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* Error's pov *
As I finished showering I walked back to blue to see already asleep.

I changed back to my regular clothes and laid  down next to her.
I fell asleep and hoped for the best.
~ Dream ~
I knew I was in a dream before I could see anything.
Most on my dreams are actually memories.
And I was having one right now.
In front of me was my younger self back when my Au still still...existed.
" Are you ready sans...?"

I felt myself smile as I heard my brother, papyrus, voice.
" You bet!"

I saw myself make a small gaster blaster in front of me.
" It's a small one least your learning..."
" yeah...I can't wait until I can make blasters as big as yours!"
" Just keep trying...but please don't push yourself...last time you did I had to carry you all the way home."

By just remembering this I felt l happy but sad at the same time. I miss my brother...I miss all my friends...and most of all I miss my regular life.
" let's go back home's getting late."

My younger self nodded as he started walking with my brother who put a hand around my shoulder. Younger me didn't notice and keep trying to make another gaster blaster.
I smiled and felt happy...that is until I heard a new voice. Or should I say sound...?
" 👇🔲👆◽️▫️😐👌🙂♋️♒️🔳🔶⬜️🔸‼️💔❔"
Translation:"Happy memories aren't they...?"

I stood speechless as I saw in front of me my father...G.B. Gaster...

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