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Meet Layla: 

Layla is 15. She is a very shy person until you get to know her. She is just your average high school junior. She loves school and her friends. She is on the schools color guard. Within this team she has met her very best friend Rosana. Her and Ro (Rosana's nickname) were irreseperable. They had become the best of friends in a matter of months.

Meet Rosana or Ro for short:

Rosana is also 15. She is a very outgoing person, unlike her best friend Layla. Ro loves her best friend. Sadly she is moving away. She doesn't want to, but it's not her choice her parents are forcing her to move because of their jobs. Ro has no idea how to tell Layla without breaking her heart, she doesn't want to hurt her best friend.

Continue reading Lost to find out what happens in their friendship. Will their friendship be lost? And how will Layla feel after Ro has moved? Lost? Or Confused? We will have to see. 

Ps. Some of the things in this story are true. My best friend has just recently moved. It was such a tradgedy. I miss her soo much. I couldn't imagine my life without her! So this story is deticated to Tara my best friend!!! I love you so much Tara! 

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