Chapter 4: Gehenna Gate

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~Rin's P.O.V~

I've known, ever since I was a little kid. That I'm just not normal...

"How can a child be so ferocious?"

"I wish she'd just disappear from here!"

"You'd think she was a demons child..."

"But I'm not... I'm not... I'm not a demon!"

I breath sharply, my senses coming back. I suddenly remember that I'm running behind my father, his grip on my arm tight as we run on a metal strip next to the Southern Cross Shopping Mall. I have to say I'm impressed that the old man has been running this long. Coal Tars start to form a black mass a few feet away.

"The road is unmarked for those without faith. The hand of god will cause them to fall from Jacob's ladder!" The black demon with bright green eyes and mouth suddenly fizzes away as we become about a foot away from it.

Three more sprout up as we turn and jump over the railing onto the round dome like roof. "Follow me!" He jumps onto the metal rail and launches himself into the air and lands on the other building. "Seriously?" I gasp, a second of preparing for the jump. I take a deep breath, and push myself up. Hitting the metal bar I repeat my last step. "Ahh!" I flail my arms and as my foot hits the edge of the building. "Whoooa!" I scream, feeling my body being pulled down by gravity.

My old man grabs my arm at the last second, air seeming still as my body is almost horizontal with the building. He hoists me up over the building, and I land on my hands and knees. I breath deeply trying to regain my breath when I notice we're not alone. I look up and I see a group of dog like creatures. They're pale white eyes, missing patches of fur, and green like substances sprouting from their skin gives an unnerving sense to them

"Stray dogs?" I ask. A potent stench infiltrates my nose, I reach up to cover my nose. "Gah, they stink."

"They're ghouls, demons who possess the dead."

"Ghouls?" I turn to look at him curiously.

"Lucky for you, If this weren't Japan we'd be beset by ghouls in human form!"

"There is nothing lucky about this!" I screech at him. He pulls out a container.

"Whoa- is that a bomb?!" I feel my limit reaching, the hell, why does he know so much about this stuff!?

"Not to worry!" He grunts, throwing the container to the ghouls. A mist like vapor whooshes, as it clears it leave a soft mist in it's wake. "It's just holy water."

He grabs my arm and sprints to the door leading into the building, I spare a quick glance to the dogs laying on the ground, I quickly focus to what's ahead of me, not wanting to think about what just happened. My father quickly shuts the steel door, he sighs and turns around resting his arms on the door. "You know, it's not exactly easy to babysit at my age."

"Who you calling a baby?" I growl raising a fist.

"Now then, let's head home while we can."

"Are you saying it's not over yet?"

He pauses about two steps down the stairs. "Didn't I tell you? Demons of all species will be coming after you, for all kinds of different reasons."

I look at him, a knot forming at the bottom of my stomach. Why is this happening to me? Years of denying all claims of being a demon are coming back and biting my ass.

"The sun will set soon... That's when demons become active."


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