Memories=Bye bye

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Percy POV

I raced through the grassy fields, the cold air stinging my face. My breathing was reduced to short, uneven pants, and my feet were aching. I flicked my head back, and groaned. She was still there.

"You will never get away, Perseus Jackson!" She yelled from behind me. Her voice echoed through the vast space, and sent shivers inching down my spine. 

"Percy." I reminded her, not slowing down. 

"You can run, and run, but I will always be one step ahead of you." I could almost feel her snarl burning into the back of my head. 

"More like twenty million miles behind." I felt the water particles in the air around me, engulfing me in energy. I could feel myself dissolve into them, becoming one with my father's element as I vapor traveled away.

And I knew where I was going.

I couldn't defeat this one alone.

It was about time me and Harry had a family reunion.


I'll admit, I was a bit worried about the wizards. Harry and I had agreed to keep in contact, but I hadn't heard a word from him. No letters, owls, IM's, nada. 

Draco was also nonexistent. He had agreed to talk and communicate with arrangements for the summer, due to his new found demigodness, but it was like he had never found out about the gods or anything in the first place. 

I shook my head, jolting me back into the present. I blinked twice as the world came into focus. I landed on my side, on a road. The gravel was chipped and worn. 

"Ouch." I mumbled, brushing the debris from my clothes. I rubbed my arm, which was already bruising from the fall. I looked up towards the sky, to see it already dark, and speckled with stars. Through the dim light of the moon, I could still recognize the houses lined up on either side of the street. They were all identical, but I knew that my cousin was residing in one of them. 

This was going to be a long night.

Harry POV.

A knock suddenly sounded from downstairs, jolting me out of my stupor. I let out a sigh of relief. The memories in my dreams had haunted me since the war. My mind was constantly plagued by pain and grief. Dead bodies flashing in my vision every second I spent unconscious. 

After the battle of Hogwarts, Everything had gone back to normal. I had gone back to the Dursley's, who all except Uncle Vernon were slightly more understanding. 

My dream of becoming an auror had been achieved rather quickly, and within a few weeks, I would be off to start the job. But until then, I'd be stuck here.

I groaned, and headed downstairs to greet the rapid knocks emitting from outside. I yawned, and ruffled my hair before twisting the knob.

In front of me, stood a man around 20. He had messy black hair, and sea green eyes. Dark bags hung under his eyes, and I felt a strange sense of familiarity overwhelm me. I shook it from my mind.

"Harry!" He exclaimed, rushing forward and engulfing me in a hug. I pushed him away, and my hand hovered above my sweatshirt pocket where my wand was. 

"Who are you?" I asked suspiciously. "Do I know you? How do you know my name?" 

"What? It's me, Percy! Your cousin!" I narrowed my eyes, reaching further into my pocket. 

"I only have one cousin, and I'm afraid it's not you." I could feel the suspicion creeping up on my nerves as I pulled out my wand, and flicked it at him in a flash. But before I could blink, he whipped out a sword, and deflected the spell. I stared at him wide-eyed, my mouth gaping open. 

"Stop playing around, Harry." He said, putting a cap on the sword. My eyes widened more, if possible. It turned into a pen, and he placed it into his jean pocket. "No need to be playing games."

"I'm not playing anything." I replied. "Who are you?" 

"Really man? I've had amnesia before, and it sucks. Really not the thing to joke about." He sighed, and leaned against the door frame in boredom. "Ah. The annoying relatives here?" 

I didn't respond. "I'll call the police if you don't leave."

"Harry-" The man suddenly collapses to the ground. I wince as his head makes a dull 'thunk' on the ground. I peer through the doorway, and smile. Hermione and Ron were standing, wands outstretched. Hermione pockets her wand, and so does Ron. The two of them enter without invitation, stepping inside the dim house. We embrace in a hug before Hermione pulls away, and looks in disapproval at my hair.

"Seriously Harry, have you ever touched a comb?" She asked, irritated. 

"Don't listen to her, mate. She's just jealous." Hermione slapped the back of her boyfriend's head, then turns to the unconscious man lying on the ground. She wrinkled her nose.

"Who's that?"

"No idea. But he seems to think he's my cousin or something...." I laugh lightly. "Pretty ridiculous, actually." 

"We should bring him in. Obliviate him." Hermione suggests. We head over to the door. The three of us haul him over to the couch. I plop down on an arm chair. 

"How'd you know when to come?" I inquired. 

"We didn't." Ron replied. "Well, you know how we were going to come and pick you up tomorrow?" I nodded. "Well, we decided to arrive early."

"Well let's wake him up then." Hermione cut in, pulling out her wand. "Make sure he isn't an old recruit of Voldemort or something." Ron and I copy her movements, and extend our wands towards the newcomer. 

"Aguamenti!" Hermione shouts. The man jolts up, and looks around in surprise. I tensed up in surprise when I notice that he's completely dry. 

"What was that all about?" He protested, rubbing his head. "What the Hades, man?" I didn't lower my wand. 

"Who are you? Are you an old death eater?" Hermione demanded. The man laughed. 

"Nice to see you too, Hermione." He said with a smirk.

"How do you know my name?" Hermione asked, moving her wand further forward. 

"We went to school together!" The man exclaimed. "What is up with you people today?"

I opened my mouth to retort, but was interrupted by what sounded like footsteps pounding their way downstairs. I soon saw Dudley appear in front of me, his striped pajamas disheveled, and hair looking like a rat's nest. His eyes widened in horror as he saw Ron and Hermione. He clutched his behind, obviously still frightened from his encounter with Hagrid all those years ago. He finally saw the man residing on the couch, and his jaw dropped. 

"W-Whats he doing back here?"




I apologize that I couldn't update this sooner. I meant to when I got home, but there was a power outage, and I had to go to the library to do my homework, nanananananannaaanananannananan.

Let me know if you approve of the first chapter!

Stay cool demigods, 


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