the G.I.F.T academy chapter2

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Chapter 2

"Let's just go up to my room" Marcus whispered in my ear.

 I flinched forgetting where I was. He raised his eyebrows in a 'what were you thinking about?' kind of way. I shook my head and held out my hand to him. I don't know why I didn't tell you about Marcus earlier. But I guess it was because I was so busy with everything else. He took my hand and led me up stairs. Marcus was pretty much built. Black curly hair, very blue eyes, tanned skin. He had at least an eight pack. His room (by far!) Was the messiest one I have ever been in. Not because of Marcus but because of his best friend Adrian.

 He was a slob and since Marcus wasn't here for about two weeks he didn't have a chance to clean up. ''God, it's messy in here'' I said under my breath. He laughed in my ear. Soft and sexy.  He led me to his bed. We just started kissing when he groaned and got up from on top of me. ''What?'' I asked. Then the speakers came on.

''Marcus Whistler and Cecilia Kalivana. Will you both please come to the principal's office?'' said the secretary.

 He was already putting back on his shirt while I just sat there starring at him. Why was I going? This cannot be good. I jumped off the bed and started looking for my shirt under all the mess. Marcus always threw my clothes everywhere. ''Crap!'' I said in panic but he just laughed at me.

''Can't find your shirt? Just take one of mine babe.''

At first I was unsure about it but then I remembered how patient our principal (Mr. Lasco) was. He was as patient as a 2 year old. Grabbing one of Marcus's shirts I ran down the stairs. He was already leaning against the wall right beside the principal's office waiting for me with his eyes closed. He took a deep breath than let it out. (I wonder what I smell like to him.) The principal's door swung open and he came out.

''Please come in'' he said and walked back into his office. We followed. He was fit, but not as much as Marcus. He had blue eyes and brown hair (that was starting to grey) but he was at least 2 inches taller than Marcus. He sat down on his desk. I sighed in relief. He wasn't annoyed. If he was he would have sat in his chair or worse, not even look at us and have his back to us. He smiled. ''Not mad at all. Nice shirt.'' I looked down and blushed. I picked his shirt that said 'I'm kind of a big deal.' Marcus just sat there drumming his fingers. Waiting for whatever was coming next. But Mr. Lasco and I just kept staring at each other. No, not in a flirty way (EW! he was like 35.) He was trying to tell me something but it wasn't clear. That's my gift. I can read people minds. But not like Edward Cullen. I can read people's minds by looking at their eyes. One glance and I knew what they were thinking. But with Mr. Lasco being a spy since he was like in kindergarten, it took longer for me to understand what he was trying to say.

''You're taking us somewhere'' I said still staring into his eyes.

''No not 'taking' '' said his eyes.

''We're going somewhere. On a mission?'' I said still staring.

''Sorry but I'm not that easy to read for you. I know I have to trust you and show you my emotions so you can read me'' he said with a deep sigh.

And he was right. I had to go through the whole school just to prove I could read their minds. The little ones were the easiest. But him? I couldn't even crack him. He was just too good at being a spy and hiding his emotions. ''What this time?'' asked Marcus getting angry. He just got back and now he had to leave again. Perfect. Mr.Lasco put up his hand. ''Wait a second. Cecilia is going too. Your both working on this together...yet apart.'' Everyone sat there, silent.  I didn't get it but Marcus sure did. ''No. I don't want her to get hurt" he said with anger but with worry.

''And why not? She is 18 and she knows everything she has too. Am I not the principal? I make the rules''

''I'll work alone''

''But we need you both for this'' argued Mr. Lasco.

It hurt that Marcus didn't want me to be a part of this mission but then again he was worried about me. And he knew more about how missions work better than I did.

''Oh about we let her decide, shall we?'' They both stared at me.

''Please I'm begging you say no! I don't want you to get hurt'' said Marcus with his eyes. But I was shock to see that Mr. Lasco had his face wide open for me to read. ''Say yes. I know you want this, your first mission. The first is always the best and you will be working with Marcus! What more could you possibly want for your first mission?''

It was easy. Say yes or say no. But which one?

Marcus was terrified of losing me or seeing me get hurt, but I wanted to go. And Mr.Lasco was right. I wanted my first mission to be with Marcus so why not get what I want right now? Before I said a word Marcus knew what my decision was. And he hated it. ''Please no'' he whispered in a pained voice. When I turned and looked at him his face was in pain too. It hurt so much that I was ready to change my mind. But then I remembered that I wanted my first mission to be with him.

 ''I'm sorry. But I want this'' I said in a soft voice. He got up and left so fast that I didn't know that he left until I heard the door slam shut. Marcus wasn't mad at me. No, never. He was angry at Mr.Lasco for letting me go. ''Well, since that's all settled. I am happy to say that we are buying your tickets now and you will be leaving tomorrow at 5 am. Sleep tight and I'm sorry about this but we had to. We need you both'' he said with a happy yet sympathetic smile. I nodded my head and left. There was barely anyone in the hallways. Just the younger kids who weren't allowed at the celebration tonight. We always had  two parties. One for the people who could drink (which was 17 and up.) And one for everyone else.

Walking into my room the first thing I saw was Twilight and New moon. I groaned and plopped myself onto my bed. My roommate Amanda was reading the series because our friend Tali (who used to come here but doesn't anymore because she now lives in Hungary as an undercover spy) told her that it was amazing. (Which they were. But Amanda has the habit of telling me all about every book she reads. In extreme detail.) ''Hey Celi. What's going on with that announcement? And did you know that Jacob Black is a werewolf just like Marcus?''

''I'm leaving. For a mission. With Marcus.''


''I don't know''

''Oh. I saw him on my way up and he was really mad''

''Ya. I know'' I said turning myself so that I was facing her. Her head was in the book. She was talking to me and reading.

''Did you know that Jacob Black is a werewolf too?'' she asked again. I sighed. Not wanting to break the ending of the series for her but also wanting to shut her up. She was in new moon. Somewhere in the middle if she knew what he was (or at least thought.) ''You know Amanda, Jacob isn't really a werewolf, he's-''

''Yes he is.''

''No he's actually a kind of shape shifter like Cole and other people? But they can only change into werewolf's because of his ancestors'' I said lying on my back. Why would he be so mad about me coming on a mission with him?

''No. It even said it in the book'' she said still reading the book. I didn't want to fight with her about if Jacob Black from the Twilight saga was a real werewolf or not. (She was like a five year-old. Believing everything she reads.)

''Forget it Amanda'' I said changing into my pj's.

 ''Knew it'' she said with a grin on her face. I shook my head and turned off the light. She was still reading. Her gift is that she had night vision. I can't sleep with the light on and she loved reading in the night without the light on. So we became best friends pretty quickly.

 Thanks for reading!

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