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I swipe at the mangy dog, relishing the feel of my claws dig into its shaggy pelt, I loved the way it yelp as its skin slit and blood washed over my claws. Don't run! Let me have some fun with you! I hissed as it pulled from my grasp and ran away. With a shake of my pelt I turn to see Leafpaw looking at me with admiration in her clear gaze, I puff out my chest with pride.

"When I planned to meet you I did not know you wanted a battle, Leafpaw," I purred as she came over and licked my ear. Ah that feels good, I return the lick and sit back on my haunches, "So Leafpaw you do know that you are breaking the Code, right?' I flatten my ears as she shakes her head, naïve she-cat. Oh well if we break the code then foxdung on Starclan! So petty anyway, if we want to be mates then not even Starclan will stop us! If.... We are mates....

Leafpaw stares at me, and twines her tail with mine, leans against my body and I feel her breath stir my whiskers as she purrs. "I like you, Hawkfrost," with that she leaves. Wait that's it? Then she twitches her tail for me to follow her and I go without hesitation. Come 'on how many toms get to have a pretty-she-cat want them? You toms don't pass that up! I follow her deeper into the twolegplace, my senses acute for danger and other cats, I wonder if there are still Bloodclan cats in the twolegplace, the fur rises on my spine at the thought of Scourge who had killed my father. Firestar, one day you will pay for not helping my father! We come to a stop by a yellow den that looks faded, once there Leafpaw stops and licks her paw drawing it over her delicate ear, "This is our place, Hawkfrost," her next words freeze my heart.

"I know that I am young and also a Medicine Cat but will you be mates with me?" I can feel her uncertainty but she looks at me with such a lost look that I melt and fall for her knowing that it is wrong but I don't care!

"Yes, Leafpaw I will be your secret mate, if you will have me," I sit with my tail curled tightly around my paws and waited and waited. When I blinked my eyes she was gone!

Did I miss something?


Leafpool Pov

I froze after the words left my jaws, how could I be so mousebrained? As he was giving his speech I heard yes and fled after he could finish. I run away but take a wrong turn and I come to a brick wall too high for me to jump and there sits a menacing looking cat, its white ears are torn and it has patchy red-black fur hanging in ragged clumps its tail naked of any fur. Now that is a mangy fur ball! The cat opens its dark-green eyes with a hiss.

"Who are you? Pretty little thing?" he purred and the fur on my neck rises with fear as he jumps down to sniff me. I shrink from his dark gaze as his sniffs down my spine to my tail and I fear the worst. I am a she-cat and to this unruly tom I was fair game. Hawkfrost save me! I think as he to flick his tail around my tail feeling me out, so I tuck my tail tighter under my hindquarters. I close my eyes fearing the worst. I heard stories of she-cats alone with a strange tom and I shudder. "You are so...." The tom's voice faded as I hear another growl and open my eyes to see Hawkfrost fighting with the Tom, and I faint in relief.


Hawkfrost pov

I followed her scent when I smell another cat mixed with Leafpaw's scent and I run faster. Once I find her I see that disgusting tom with his tail close to my mate's rear and I see the fear in her eyes. I lunge at him; landing on his back I bite the back of his neck, while raking my hind paws on his scrawny sides. "Leave my Mate alone, mange pelt or I will kill, you and watch as your blood washes over my paws. Hear you take your last breath," this got the tom's attention and he fell limp and I rolled off of him, with a swipe at his naked tail I sent him away from us. Turning my head to Leafpaw I see that she is crying. Padding up to her I lick her shoulder, feeling her warm pelt against mine.

"Did he touch you?" I asked softly digging in my claws at the dirty thought. She shook her head and sighed.

"Hawkfrost I asked you if wanted to be mates and you said yes but are you sure this is what you want?" she pulls away from me too look at me with light amber eyes dark with worry and fear. She is afraid of me! But why? I will protect her from all threats! Even if I must join Thunderclan!

"You're right to wonder but Leafpaw know this I will lay my life down for you if I must and you can still be a Medicine cat this is our secret and not even Starclan will separate us!"

"Then Hawkfrost I will be your mate, but will have to get my full name before we can be official mates, please I will still see you," she raised her head to the stars and I take that moment to push her to the ground with a playful purr covering her in licks and she returns the licks. I get up and twine my tail with hers, "I will wait, my lifetime if I must, Leafpaw, for I love you," I lean against her as the sun goes down.

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