The Time Lord and the Demigod

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(Leos P.O.V)

The sounds of people cheering, laughing, and talking soon became soft and distant rumble as I walked away from the pavilion, my head spinning. Jason and Piper had said their goodnights, leaving to their cabins to get a good nights sleep. Something I desperately needed, after freeing Hera and all only just a couple of hours ago, but something told me I didn't.

My mind began to wander, like it always does when I pause life, memories beginning to catch up with me. Memories and thoughts I tried so desperately to push away. I thought about mom, and how desperately I wanted to see her, watching Pipers father earlier that day just made me want my mom even more. I needed someone to hold, someone to lean against...someone to give me some form of support. Piper has her father, Heck, she even has Jason! But I ..I don't have anyone.

Tears stung at the back of my eyes, just like back on Mt. Diablo, but worse. A few tears managed to slip down my cheeks and my nose began getting stuffy, the hole in my chest where I kept all of my hurt expanding.

I stumbled into the forest, the thought of someone finding me in this condition pushing me further in. My arm caught fire and I used it as a torch to light the way, using the other to brush away the stubborn tears from my face.

I slumped against the rough bark of a tree, allowing the weight on my shoulders to drag me down until I was sitting on the grass, the light of the flames slowly glowing fainter..and fainter. Until I was left in complete darkness.

I closed my eyes, blurry images of Mom floating up to the surface of my mind from time to time.

"Mom, look!!! I have fireeeee!!" I said heroically, running about the apartment aflame, my arms waving about.

"Leo!!" Yelled my mom playfully, chasing after me, a beautiful twinkle in her soft brown eyes.

I pang of hurt hit me and I could already feel the tears coming, I opened my eyes slowly, holding my breath as a form to keep in the pain.

I tried to swallow down the hurt, my eyes burning, but it was no use. I took deep ragged breaths and I gripped at the grass bellow me, embracing the pain as it surged though my body.

I felt helpless and alone, I felt so tempted to run away, I almost did it. I shot up to my feet, hesitated, then began walking back to camp, already planning out which roads I should take out of here.

That's when I heard it..

That sound of clanging metal and deep rumbling coming from behind me. My body stiffened and a strong wind scattered the leaves around my feet, I shot around and..

"Holy Hephaestus...." I staggered back, backing myself up against a tree as a blue box thingy began to materialize out of thin air right before my eyes.

At first it was faint, transparent and hardly visible, but with every new roar the box looked more solid, until it actually was.

Everything suddenly became quiet, even the monsters seemed to hold their breath.

"Who's there?" I demanded, hoping I sounded more confident than I really was. I focused and managed to light my hand again, stepping closer to the old looking police call box. I hastily wiped away my tears, praying my eyes didn't give away that I was crying only moments before, and watched as the blue door opened.

"Oh bloody hell, that'll teach me to not to bring tea along when I travel." Panted a very tall, thin, and dangling man as he gripped at the door frame. He wiped some sweat off his brow and closed the door behind him, scanning his surroundings.

I extinguished my fire, unsure if this man was a mortal or not...or a god. I took a few tentative steps forward, my hand over my tool belt just in case I needed to pull out my hammer.

"Who are you?" I asked firmly once again, my eyes focused on the strange man.

"Well then, a good "Hello, Cheerio, what's that big box thing?" Would have been more polite, wouldn't it?" He asked brightly, his wild yet peaceful brown eyes crinkling up as he smiled. He walked over, an excited spring in his step, extending out his hand which I took.

"I'm the Doctor" he said, shaking my hand vigorously.

"The Doctor?"

"Yes, the Doctor" he nodded, "who are you, then?"

"umm..Leo, Leo Valdez" I began to relax, a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

(so, I hope you liked part one!! This is my rough draft so I'm definitely going back to edit but I just wanted to post this up and see if you like it so far. Comments are appreciated :))

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