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Hi guys! So this is my first TW story, so please be kind. The chapters are going to start of short but they I'll progressively get longer. I hope you enjoy!

Stiles groans as the alarm awakens with a constant beep ringing in his head. He slams his hand down ontop of the machine, effectivley silencing it. The teen rolls off his bed, catching himself in a pushup position before jumping up, heading for the bathroom.
Once he was clean, he dressed in a plain black shirt with a brown, long sleaved jacket. Loose jeans and black converse. He didn't bother to style his hair, it always looked the same.
Satisified with his look, he rushed down stairs, meeting his father in the kitchen, the smell of bacon instantly hitting his nose. "I though we spoke about this-". He stated in a deep, teasing voice as he snuck a strip of bacon from his dads plate. "-Bacon isnt on your 'list' dad". He finished snarkily. The older man rolled his eyes, continuing with his meal anyway. "Once wont hurt". He answered innocently, moving to take the last strip of bacon, but found his plate empty. He glowered at his son, who was busy feasting on his breakfast. "I wouldn't, if it was only once. But we both know very well what your daily meals consist of ".
His dad snorted before slipping on his jacket, keys now in hand. "I have work, but we will talk about this later! Have a good day at school son, stay a nerd!". Stiles rolled his eyes at his fathers comment.

After breakfast, he jumped into his sleek, silver Labourgini Aventador. His old Jeep rested in the garage, the engine worn out, but he still took great care of his precious Roscoe. His father had let him keep it there, seeing as it was his mothers. Just because it didn't work doesn't mean he couldn't keep it, for memories sake.
His new car had been an 'apology' gift, from all the moving about, but his father never seemed to be happy with his job, and Stiles always needed the protection.
It wasn't to much if an issue though. They weren't exactley 'poor', But they decided not to let many people know. It really wasn't his style. Both he and his father hated attention.

He contemplated on texting Isaac, but though better of it. He'd known the boy long enough to know that he would have been one of the first people at school.
The drive there was smooth. There weren't to many cars in the small town, but just enough so it didn't look deserted.

His eyes narrowed when he pulled up infront of the high school, spotting an odd group that stood out in the mass of people.

They weren't human, excpet for one female. Stiles knew that much. And that they consisted mostley of werwolves, probably a pack. If so, there alpha was not with them. Probably best for him. An alphas nose tended to be keener than an average beta.

He was pulled from his stare when a gentile hand landed on his shoulder. Spinning around, he faced a smilling Isaac.
"You Okay?" He asked, noticing the tension in his friend. Subtly, Stiles jerked his head in the direction of the group, who were now disapearing into the school. Isaac looked confused. "Human?".
Stiles hesitated. "Only one of them, there most likely a pack." The male nodded and began walking towards the school, Stiles by his side. "Let me and the others know once your sure". Stiles didn't bother to reply, he would of done it anyway.
"I've already covered both our scents, along with Erica and Boyd's". Stiles added quickly. Isaac nodded thoughtfully as he pulled his books out of his locker, which was, conveniently, next to Stiles'.
"Is the Alpha with them?"
"Don't think so". The curly haired boy nodded before the bell rings, making Issac wince. Stiles laughs softly at the boys sensitive hearing,

They both sperate for class, keeping an eye on the new comers. Stiles remained worried for most of the day. Isaac had more classes with them, and the were reeked of anxiety.

School flew by, thankfully. Stiles harldy saw the pack, but he got a good whiff of one he had passed. A beta, a strong one to. He had black that was stiled to spike up. Dark, brown eyes with a crooked jaw. He was tall-ish, round 5'0 with a muscular build. There was a lacrosse stick clutched tightly in his hand, which Stiles made a note of.

He could tell his alpha was a born werewolf, and his pack consisted of a range of species. Erica won't like this, Stiles thinks to himself as he makes his way down the stairs, rushing for his car. She never really like other species. She barely felt it's himself.

Just as he was about to drive off, he caught a quick whiff of a female with long, strawberry blonde hair and bright breen eyes. She definatley was not a wolf.
She reeked of death, but not death herself, a sense of death. Along with the light smell of human.

Banshee. Shit.

A banshee would be able to sense him easily if he got to close. She would tell her pack, who would look for him, and his friends. His friends, who were werewolves without an alpha. Something very appealing to an alpha werewolf looking for power,

He made a bee line home, texting Erica, Boyd and Isaac as soon as he arrived, urging the group to come over.
All 3 were there in the next minute, sensing his alert. Stiles knew he had the scent of worry pouring out of him, but it was overpowered by the stench if fear he had for his friends.
He looked at them in worry.

"Theres a pack on beacon hills....and a banshee"

Hey guys, hope you liked the first chapter. If you did, please do vote or comment, maybe follow me if you have the strength to push the "follow" button. Anyway, I don't really have an update schedule but I will try my best to update at least once a week. I'm a little busy with school, but the holidays are very close.

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