bite me [ simon/baz ]

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“Snow…” Baz’s voice was raspy, deep… sexy.  The way Simon never consciously thought, but always imagined, his morning voice would be.  It was perfect.  Baz was perfect.  How could Simon have ever gotten so lucky?

“Snow, you alive over there?  Did I… wear you out too much last night?”  God, the smirk in that git’s voice was tangible.  Simon snapped to instantly, but in the interest of some quality fun, pretended to be asleep.

“Snow, don’t make me do this,” Baz growled.  “I’m warning you.”

Simon’s grin was almost imperceptible.  Surely, it had been too small for Baz to see.

“I saw that,” Baz whispered.  Instantly, he was close to Simon’s face.  Very close.

Quickly, Simon worked to compose himself, slowing his heartbeat to a rate similar to that of someone fast asleep… he hoped.

All of a sudden, he felt something warm brush against his neck.  Something warm, and very, very sharp.

“It’s always easier when they’re asleep.”  Baz spoke into Simon’s neck.  “They don’t even try to struggle then.”

The something sharp got sharper.  Or perhaps it just pressed further into the hollow in between his collarbones.  Simon considered “waking up”, but thought it would be fun to push him a little farther.

“Once I get started, it’s hard to stop.  I just… drain them dry.  No blood left,” Baz rasped.  His fangs pushed harder into Simon’s neck, almost breaking the skin.

Simon knew he should stop soon.  Otherwise, he ran the risk of Baz breaking in, and that wouldn’t be good.  Venom was an instant-release.  No recalls.  No take-backs.

As Baz continued to press harder and harder, his hands locked around Simon’s wrists, preventing him from moving at all.  Simon began to worry.  What if Baz slipped?  One wrong move, and Simon was turned instantly.  What would vampire life be like?  Always worrying about where his next meal would come from… would he have the stomach to kill?  He would have to, or risk cursing others to the life of a vampire.

At this thought, Simon inadvertently flinched.  He shrank back from Baz’s mouth, sinking his chest in until the fangs were hovering an inch above his collarbone.

Baz chuckled.  “Awake, I see.”

Simon shivered, unable to control his body’s gut reaction.

The chuckle turned into a full-on laugh, made only more attractive by the rasp of the lingering morning voice.  “Come on, Snow.  You didn’t think I’d really-”

Simon’s shaking hands underneath Baz were answer enough.

“Snow.”  Baz rolled off Simon, laughing so hard he shook the bed.  Between chuckles, he managed to get out the words, “You did?”

Simon blushed, mortified.   When the laughter had subsided, he spoke indignantly.  “Are you quite done?”

Baz smirked.  “I can’t believe you thought I’d actually turn you right here!  Bloody hell, you’re gullible.”

Simon rolled over, letting out a little “hmph”.

All of a sudden, Baz was on top of him, kissing his neck.  “You’re not offended, are you?  I’m just teasing.  Harmless fun.”

Simon rolled his eyes.  He was offended, but he’d never tell Baz.  That would result in merciless teasing for at least six months.

Baz whispered, “Are you offended because I almost bit you… or offended because I didn’t?”

Simon’s blush told the entire story, as did the welling in his eyes.  Horrified, he moved to wipe away his tears – heroes never cried.  However, he was pinned by Baz.  He quickly shoved his hands upward, hoping to push Baz away.

Quickly as he’d rolled on, Baz was off him, off the bed, down on one knee.  “Snow, I promise. If you want me to bite you, I will.  Just not today.  Alright?”

Simon nodded hesitantly, giving up the pretense.  Quickly, hungrily, he launched himself off the bed towards Baz, knocking him over onto the floor.  The two rolled around, kissing, laughing, kissing some more.  All was well.

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