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*Sorry this is short*

Cason's eyes stared so deeply into mine I thought I might be reduced to ash right then and there.

"I-uh" I stuttered, silently debating how to reply. He would know if I was lying. "It's really not a big deal, don't worry about it." I looked down shamefully, afraid of the darkness that contained his disappointment.

"Not a big deal?" He replied, challenging my statement. "This bruise is the size of a softball. Shit. I should have known."

"Cason, what do you mean. There was nothing you could have done" I was sitting up now "and besides it's been too long, we haven't talked in years...." My voice trailed off.

"No, I could have..." I frowned at him, confused. "Nevermind, are you sure you're ok?"

Suddenly I was tired again, my sleep was bound to be restless, but it outweighed the panic that consciousness allowed for. I mumbled back what sounded like a somewhat assuring answer, and began to surrender to sleep. Cason began to raise himself back off the bed, and back to his place on the couch, and I slipped into darkness.


I woke up to the sun threatening to burn my eyes if I didn't roll over. And so I did, only to realize I always sleep with the blinds closed, and that my sheets were silver not navy. As if on cue, I was further confused when a tall figure came and sat the foot of the mysterious bed. To dazed to investigate further, I waited for the tall figure to talk. When he didn't, I opened my eyes and tried hard to focus. The tall figure was not at all mysterious, but actually Cason. He was busy throwing items in a bag hurriedly.

Instead of sounding like myself, I sounded a bit more like a frog, croaking out some jumbled words. "What are you..." Before I could finish I was taken aback by the shooting pain that was coming from my hip, I winced and continued "...doing?"

He looked at me, then replied with a smile "You're awake." Then his smile faded and his tone became serious "We're leaving."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you like road trips?" I did, but I wasn't about to go on one.

"What are you talking about?"

"Good, because we are going on one. You can shower if you want, I have some of my sister's old clothing for you. "

"Wait, what? Christmas is in like two days, I can't just leave, and you have to stay with your family. What are you going to tell your parents? Oh hey mom, so Braelynn, who by the way I haven't associated with in years, called me up last night, having a breakdown because she is really pathetic and can't handle her step mom. So I'm just going to leave you this Christmas, sorry!" Suddenly I was overwhelmed and my sarcastic babbling side made an unwelcome appearance. That side was generally known for its ability to scare people off, how that fit into evolution, I'm not sure. Embarrassed by my sudden burst, I turned to see what damage I may have done, but he just looked at me, clearly amused. Ok, so maybe I haven't scared off the only person I can currently count on.

"First off, you are anything but pathetic, anyone would run from that, and you have stood up to her for so long, it was just a matter of time until you hit your limit. Second, my mom knows what happened and this road trip was her idea, my family will be fine without me."

"You told your mom?" I was angry, no one was supposed to know about this. Plus, he wasn't even sure what happened, or if she was behind it. "I can't believe this, I trusted you with this, and you told your mom." I turned to storm out, but collided with his hard chest instead. He took the opportunity and ran with it, tossing me over his shoulder. The sudden change of gravity, spun me for a loop, but I quickly recovered and started right in. I banged his back with my fists, wailing like a child who got it's favorite toy taken away. I attempted every angle possible, pounding my knuckles into every inch of his back, attempting to hit any nonexistent weak spot he may have, but to no avail. When my hands started to ache and Cason just continued to chuckle, I gave up and hung limply over his large build.

When his grip loosened on me, I realized that now was the time to break free. But if I did break free, indirectly, that might mean I would have to go home, if I can even call it that anymore, and I wasn't exactly up for that. It was until I saw Ms. Bristow, that I hopped from my perch and stood up straight. As I did so I felt an arm rest loosely around my shoulder, which was obviously Cason warning me that I wasn't getting out of this.

Before I could even blink I was wrapped in a pair of loving arms. Michele Bristow was tiny, not a centimeter over 5'3 and had the tiniest frame of anyone I knew. Opposite Cason, who had clearly gotten his tall muscular build from his father. Though she was petite, she could whip those boys into shape better than a drill sergeant, and you simply would never know it. Aside from that, she was also as sweet as could be and had nothing but love in her heart.

"Braelynn, sweetie, it has been so long. I've missed you so much, and so has Cason." She shot him a glance that obviously had a hidden meaning, and then looked at me, taking in the past few years she had missed. Her eyes traced the area that had the run in with the ring.

"Oh sweet girl, I'm so sorry." I was wrapped in a small pair of arms again, but this time I was dampening her pink blouse with my tears. Self pity was taking control of me, and I couldn't quite stop it. She let go of me and I was quick to recompose.

"Anyways, let's get you two some breakfast, you've got a long way to go." I shot Cason a look but he just pretended not to see me and stride off to the kitchen.

An update! So I'm probably going to be updating this story often! And when I say often, I mean like... Not very often. Let's face it, my life is really hectic and I'm really lazy... Anyways, I've been getting more votes and I few comments here and there on some of my stories, which is super confidence boosting, so thanks guys :) Hope everyone enjoys this, maybe leave a comment or vote or something, or just read, that's great too! (This is very rough I'm sorry )

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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