Part Two: Sick

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The next morning, you went to visit Eir. You were curious about just what had happened last night, but more importantly, and concerningly, this was the third morning in a row that you had woken up feeling more than a little sick to your stomach.

“Eir!” you called, knocking on the goddess' door.

“Just a moment!” Eir yelled back in her cheerful voice. “Oh, ___________,” she said when she saw me. “Listen, about last night, it's not what-”

“I'm not here about last night,” you interrupted.

“You're not?” 

“No,” you told her. “Although I would like to know, I'm here because of something much more serious. This the third morning in a row that I've woken up feeling nauseous.”

“Really?” Eir asked, putting her hand hand on my forehead. “Have you used the Bifrost lately?”

“No, not since we went looking for Thor in Las Vegas”

“Have you eaten anything weird or unusual lately?”

“No, just what's served in the main dining room. And what Loki conjures for me.”

Eir sighed. She was silent for a moment, thinking. She placed her hand on your stomach and then gently on your shoulder. “__________, you know it kills me to ask this, but do you think it's possible that Loki is poisoning you?”


“You aren't sick,” Eir explained. “In fact, you're perfectly healthy. I can't find anything wrong with you.”

“No, he wouldn't,” you said, somewhat in shock.

“I don't want to believe it either, but it's the only viable explanation.”

“ Loki wouldn't do that to me, he loves me.”

“But what if he is?” Eir asked very seriously. “I know from personal experience that Loki isn't the greatest or most gentlemanly guy ever, but I don't think he would be that kind of man. However, all the facts are pointing to that as the only possibility.”

“I- I don't- I can't- I won't-”

“What if we test it?” Eir suggested. “Don't eat anything he serves you today and if tomorrow you still wake up feeling sick, come to me.”

“Alright,” you said reluctantly. You refused to believe Loki would do something as twisted and horrible as this, but you couldn't let go of the sliver of doubt in your mind.

Seeing as you hadn't eaten any breakfast, you walked back down that hall towards the dining-hall.

“Good morning, __________,” Frigga greeted you when you came through the doors.

“Morning,” you replied.

“If you are searching for Loki he is not here,” Frigga informed you.

“Actually, I came to eat breakfast with you and Thor this morning. But, seeing as Thor isn't here either, I guess it'll just be the two of us.”

Frigga smiled up at you, “Wonderful. Have a seat,” Frigga said, motioning to the chair across from her.

“So, hello,” you said, sitting down.

“Hello. How have things been?”

“Good,” you answered. “Although lately I've been waking up feeling a little nauseous.”

“Really? That cannot be good. Are you sure you want to eat breakfast?” Frigga asked concernedly.

“Yes, I'm sure,” you smiled reassuringly at her. “I went to visit Eir this morning and she took the sickness away.”

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