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Jalien now in picture~


he pulls up to hel- i mean school and he parks the car i slump down in my seat not wanting to get out of the car. " your going to be okay.. trust me... okay?" i nod and sigh getting out of the car i make my way to the gates of my death..

I sigh in announce walking into and threw the doors. I look around and smirk slightly. I have to make sure they can't see threw me.

Everyone's eyes were on me. I hold on to my back pack straps a bit harder. Making my nuckles go white . I jeep my head up high. Walking to the office I smile in relief when I don't see many people in the small waiting room.

I sit down in a chair next to a guy... I look up  at the guy and start to stare . He looks like...no it can't be him...I shake my head in disbelief... and look away...

"Jailen??" I deep voice rang threw my ears. I looked up at the person that said my name ...to my surprise it was the boy that I was staring at a minute ago.

"Yeah my name is jailen "
"Oh my God jalien it's actually you"
"Do I know you?"
"What don't tell me you've already forgotten about me?"I look him in the eyes and all I see is hurt for the most part.
"Jailen it's me Zack..."

My eyes widen and I shake my head finally realizing who the guy is...

"Z-Za-Zack?" I stutter....

(Flash back)

I walked into my mother's room only to see her standing over my best friend.. My only friend.... his body laid there lifeless... no breath... no nothing....

"Zack?" Tilted my head to the side. He didn't wander my mom turned and looked st me surprised."I'm sorry I didn't mean to" my mother stuttered out.. I knew she was lieing....

I let out a blood-curdling scream...

(Flash back end)

Tears fell down my face I shake my head. Zack is now right in front of me . I let out a scream and I push him and running out of the room running down the hall...

"Jailen wait!!!" Zack screams running after me. I scream trying to get him to stay away I turn a corner and bump into something hard. I look up slightly but I get up off of the ground...

"S-S-Sorry" I stutter and try to walk away but I'm pulled into a strong embrace. I yelp when I'm pushed against the locker.. I hear Zack yelling my name...

Without warning I push my head into the strangers chest trying to hide my face...

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