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"This is shameful" the creatures voice barely left his tone.

The other one scanned the sky. Something of its grey resemblance brought relief to him and so he protruded his thoughts to his brother. "A day for rebirth"

The rain continued to pound.

"The land is open for us today" he retorted to his brother. "It has been long now..."

His brother observed his path. The alleyway they lodged in for months have undergone much changes. In the span of those months, much more trash and garbage accumulated. So did the stench. But shadow figures don't have sense for that. The elder of the two shadow figures; the one who was contemplating his predicament, was still adjusting to the world after long hybernation. Before that he remembers running away from the hate of a charcoaled anguished face. His mind only ressurected the fog as his memory was in pieces.What is more, half of an arm was missing.

An ordinary eye wouldn't be able to distinguish that small loss. He was made up of shadow after all, and where his arm was now diffused out smoke.

"Should we go?" His brother, the more amused one spoke. He had big goblin eyes so bulged out that they always appeared frightened to a point of insanity. As his insanity was louder today, he extended his long limpy arm and touched the rain.

"Its cold" the emotion of his delight shook his voice.
Cold. They need that.

Those goblin eyes shut close and he let himself be drenched in the spirit of the rain, each drop pelting right through him, his shadow like translucent body standing as hollow as it is. There was no gravity to his presence. He was child of the shadows and likewise his presence is only resonated in grand numbers.

Yet he was weak. But he could be gaining by the second. His brother has already incured a self destruction.

"What will I do?" His brother implored nudging the half arm toward his younger brother. "What will happen to me?"

"Its just an arm..." his younger brother's frightened eyes looked treacherous for a second. Then they reshuffled again to the same shaky focus.

The rain continued to hiss.

They stood motionless, harvesting the silence. A few more flashes, an elaborate display of lightning whipping the sky, the air breaking thunder, the paused moments and unpronounced thoughts.

The weeping stood out next. A whimpering of unbound hopelessness.

"Its okay." The younger brother's nervous voice consoled. His face was becoming tense.

"I am nothing now..." The raspy lament pierced the air.

Against the rash of the rain and howls of the wind, the whimpers were supressed. Shadow creatures were weak beings, their voices are rarely a distinct sound. In a frail recovery, those whimperings were acoustic to silence. made the air heavy.

"We okay..."
"My arm..."
"Brother..." The younger one's voice trailing away becoming more unstable by the moment." It will be alright..."
"I can't..."
"Dont cry! Don't cry! I can't take it..."
"How will I survive?"
"This is a day of power..."
"I am not complete anymore"
"...A great day for our revival..."
"You don't understand..." His whimpers thick and brandishing.

"....we waited months for this..."

"I can not be the same this way...mother will not want me..."

"And I will not let you change it!"

The bulging eyes arched into a trembling ferocity. His long limpy arms were around his brother's shadowy throat and strangling it.

"Dont cry brother..." His nervous voice commanded. His eyes wider with unknown emotion. It was fear.

"But..." His brother's voice khackled. " arm was..."

The fingers tightened around his throat, his shadowy long neck twisting in response. "Dont scare me..." His younger brother pleaded twisting harder.

The struggling body of his elder brother was crumbling into ash and smoke, his arms trembling from the weakness captivating him. The white striken eyes of that shadow face became whiter. He whimpered.

"Dont!" The younger one clutched tighter. His brother's brittle neck snapped and gave away to the wind in bits of ash and smoke, eloping the clutch in defeat. The rest of his long twitchy body twisted around itself and hauled onto the ground, becoming a part of the shadows between the garbage bags and trash can.

The younger brothers long limpy arm swung back free when there was only air between those fingers. Sound less and unmoving,
he watched the emptiness on the ground in front of him, his eyes coloured in fear.

A thunder astounded the untimed pause. He curled his fingers feeling the strength in them.

With that he looked up again, glassy eyes bulging out.

A day of power. A day of revival. A day to bask in the silence.

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