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"I have the flight coordinates Miss Cross." Clank declared as he entered the back of the ship.

"Great, if you could just upload those to the ships built in navigating system that would be super." Angela was getting Ratchet a place ready to rest for while they were moving. They had woken him up so he could walk out to the ship and he had been uncharacteristically slow on his way out, but it was no surprise really. He was standing behind her, up against the wall and was almost out of it again, he was having a hard time trying to stay awake.

"Sorry there's not much room in here Ratchet." Talwyn apologised. She wished they could have taken the bigger ship- the one Ratchet and Clank crashed but obviously that wasn't really an option. This ship was only meant to carry two people in the cockpit, and only had one bed in the back. One bed was all they needed right now anyway. Tal and Angela had sleeping bags packed.

Ratchet didn't reply to Talwyn's comment, he was focused on staying upright, leaning against the wall until the bed was ready.

Angela finished making the bed and stepped back to allow space. "There, done. You can lie down now Ratchet."

The Lombax stood up from the wall and walked unsteadily towards the bed. He wondered how he could possibly be this tired?! Angela had said surgery just takes all the energy out of you. She had apologised a few times for wanting him to make the trip so soon after the BPP but he felt like he was supposed to be stronger than that anyway.

"Thanks..." He muttered as he lay down, his eyelids involuntarily closing down over his eyes as he did so. He shuffled around a little, trying to stay off his wounds before dropping right off.

"Asleep before his head hit the pillow." Angela muttered to herself feeling guilty for making him walk all the way out to the ship right after a BPP.

"We should get moving." Talwyn suggested watching Ratchet in a concerned manner from her place at the end of the bed.

"Right, we should..."

Angela and Talwyn made their way into the cockpit and strapped themselves into their two seats. Talwyn flicked a switch, warming up the ship to get it ready to fly.

"Where are you going to go Clank?" Angela asked as she turned to face the little robot who was currently without a seat.

"If you no longer require my assistance, I believe I will head into the back room to watch over Ratchet."

"I think we're all set Clank." She smiled. "You're good to go."

Clank nodded in thanks and disappeared through the door.

The rumbling of the ships engine became a little louder as Talwyn began to take off. Angela drew her attention to the sudden momentum, almost having forgotten what it was like to be inside a moving spacecraft. It had been so long...

The ship rose slowly into the air and eventually out of the atmosphere. Angela looked out the side window admiring the view, but as she watched the planet slowly shrink out of sight, she felt a bit strange leaving after being there for so long. She knew she would miss it soon, and be regretting not saying goodbye to anyone but Tine before she left. It was strange feeling nothing but knowing it would eventually sink in.

Talwyn checked the navigation system to insure she was going the right way. They would have to make the jump to light speed to get anywhere near the planet Lecorm, but of course doing such a thing was a precise operation. Should she lean even a few metres too far in any direction it could dramatically alter which place they ended up in. "Get ready." She warned when she finally felt she'd gotten it right.

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