∆.Chapter Two.∆

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please re-read the first chapter. i did some heavy editing and changed her personality a bit.


"Everyone say goodbye to Mr. Usami and Mr. Takahashi." A chorus of 'bye!' and 'see ya later!' were strung together. 

The two men had been here the whole day, socializing and getting to know each and every one of us. seemed to be a man of few words. His aura screeched 'authority', but it wasn't frightening. If anything, it was comforting. 

"We'll be back tomorrow!" Misaki shouted over Akihiko while the platinum haired man pushed him out the door. A soft smile graced my features.

Once they left, it was time for all of the little ones to go off to bed now. I start gathering all of them up, like usual. It was a bit harder tonight since they were all wound up from Misaki and Akihiko's visit. 

The children and I entered the large shower hall and we started their night routine. They all showered, some of them with the help from myself. I blew dried all of their hair and helped them put on their pajamas. In all honestly, this is my favorite thing about living here. I get to help out with the younger ones and help them grow. Showing them right from wrong and educating them makes me fill to the brim with glee. They are these small balls of potential and thinking about the amazing things they can achieve makes me the happiest fourteen-year-old in the world. 

After we all brushed out teeth, the children march down the hall like soldiers into the room and hop into bed. I take a seat on the stool that is seated in the middle of the room.

"Everyone tucked in?" I ask over the small chatter between them all.

"Yes, ma'am." A few of them replied to my question.

"I believe it is Akane's turn to pick out a bedtime story, correct?" The question leaves my lips as a soft whisper, but I'm certain that they all heard me.

Akane's eyes light up as she squeals with joy to go pick a book. It's no surprise when she scurries back over to me with the same book she chooses every time, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

I chuckle softly at her enthusiasm and crack open the book I could probably recite by heart now.

"A told B and B told C, I beat you to the top of the coconut tree."

I continue reading different books until they all fall asleep. When the did, I silently stood up from my stool and place the book in its rightful spot on the shelf.

I flick the light switch and the room goes dark, with small night lights scattered around the room, illuminating the room with a calm glow.

Bidding a quiet 'goodnight' to all of the kids, I close the door.

With a heavy sigh, I trot back into the common area. All of the teens are still awake and gossiping amongst each other. I walk over to the bay window and begin to run through the day I had.

Misaki Takahashi, 23 years old, and has recently graduated college. He is really bright, bubbly and is easily flustered. He seems very caring and is a firm believer in 'tough love.' He has love rolling off of him in waves.

Akihiko Usami, 32 years old, and is a famous BL writer. He seems to be the calmer of the two. He's very flirty and open about Misaki and his relationship. He seems to be always collected at first glance.

I would be lying through my teeth if I said I didn't like these two. I didn't interact with them too much, but for what it's worth, I hope they pick me.

~off at the Usami household~

"Out of all of the kids there, who di you like most?" Misaki asked Usagi who was, much to his protest, laying on his lap and slowly cutting off his circulation.

"Anyone of them is fine with me. You're the one who insisted we adopt." He grunted out, not even looking at me. I narrow my eyes in annoyance.

"Well, I like Atsuko." He firmly stated.

"Isn't she kind of old?" Usagi glanced up at his lover with eyes fogged over in question.

"I know, that's why I want her," Misaki said, determinating clear in his tone.

"Huh, I see. Well, if you like her, I love her." The words seemed to spill from the older males mouth.

Misaki's smile nearly blinded Usagi. The brunette quickly kissed his lover's forehead, become a blushing mess afterward.

It seems the couple made their decision.

~time skip~

"We're back!" Misaki cheered over the lively chatter. All of the children immediately swarmed them, trying to pressure them into adopting themselves. I can't tell the teens what to do without them catching an attitude that was never thrown, so I do try my best to help them.

"Kids, leave Misaki and Akihiko be. I'm sure they have some news to tell us all, so behave." The children whined in protest, but it was cut short when I sent them a warning look. They immediately stopped protesting and used their manners.

"Um, kids, we know who we want to adopt today. So if you could all back up so we could make the announcement, that'd be great." Misaki awkwardly shuffled in his spot, obviously uncomfortable.

"Everyone, manners!" Miss. Jolean shouted. All of the older kids shuffled backward.

"Okay. We love you all, but we can only bring one of you home with us.  So Usagi and I have decided to adopt..." He trailed off, building up the tension in the air. I quietly hoped that it would be me, but there was a slim chance of that. 

"Miss Atsuko, wold you like to come home with us?" Misaki asked me. 

I was frozen. What was I supposed to do? No one ever adopted older teens like myself. 

"Um, yes?" My response came out as a question, and it only made them laugh. 

"Come one silly, you're coming home with us!" This man smiled and I almost fell over because I was temporarily blind. Huh, well I'll be damned. 

I just got adopted.

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