Chapter Two: Backtrack on Routines

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Eventually the sun rose fully. Yuuri was in his room again, back in his house. He felt pretty guilty for staring as Yuri was practicing but he couldn't help it! He looked so... so beautiful... Yuuri knew it was time to really get up and practice, but he had almost no mood to get up from his bed and change again. He felt lazy and also guilty, it weighed him down. Meeting Yuri in the rink just might be a little awkward. Seeing Makkachin sleeping beside him didn't exactly help him get up, and instead made him feel more like sleeping in more than getting up.

'I'll apologize to Yurio in a while. Ahhh... Viktor is going to get pissed if we are.. if I am late.. I bet Yurio is already ther-' Yuuri's thoughts were cut off when someone suddenly opens his door, causing him to jump in his spot, almost falling off the bed and yelp. Because of that, Makkachin jumped awake too and alertedly looked at who was there. Yuuri put on his glasses to see who was at the door and saw it was-

"Oi! Katsudon! What are you doing being a lazy little pig?!" Yuri shouted barging in Yuuri's room and stopped in front of the said male.

"Ah. Yurio- Wahhh!" again Yuuri was cut off when Yuri took him but the hand and pulled him up. "What's the hurry??" He asked confused.

"What do you mean "what's the hurry?" ? You weren't there in the rink so I came back to get you!" Yuri paused, eyes widening, realizing his mistake. 'Oh s***' "Viktor! Viktor told me to get you!" He quickly shouted, turning to face forward so Yuuri wouldn't see the faint blush on his cheeks.

"Viktor told you?" Yuuri asked to clarify.

"Yes, Viktor. I..I came here against my own will." Yuri said but felt a little guilty for lying. Viktor never told him to get Yuuri, he just noticed Yuuri was later than usual and so he told Viktor he was taking a little walk as a break, although from the look of Viktor's expression before he left, Yuri knew that he knew where he was going.

"Oh I see..." Yuuri said with a slight hint of disappointment, adding a little bit more guilt to how Yuri was already feeling making him just want to facepalm on the spot and additionally have the tiniest urge to apologize. His pride and dignity washed that away however.

"Anyway, just keep quiet already and start walking. Geez." Yuri grumbled and continued walking while Yuuri followed... or was more of.. dragged and at a fast pace.

"E-EH-! But I'm still in my sleeping clothes!-"

The walk was slightly awkward since it was really quiet, so then Yuuri decided to break the silence for once.

"U-Uhm about earlier..." Yuuri was about to continue but he stopped when he looked to the side to see Yuri with an annoyed and embarrassed expression on his face while he was facing forward. Clearly he didn't want to discuss what had happened earlier.

'Right..' Yuuri thought, thinking no was not a good time to say anything, or simply even apologize. He looked down feeling Yuri clutch his hand tighter. 'I guess I forgot to let go of his hand and thought he was clenching his fists. I guess he couldn't feel it much since he was wearing gloves.' Yuuri smiled slightly together with blushing a little as he closed his hand as well so their hands were intertwined. He glanced at Yuri to see if he had any reaction from that and he was pretty relieved to see here wasn't any. It was weird and awkward but it's one time Yuuri would probably be able to do this so he made the most out of it. He just didn't wish for Yuri to point it out and probably call him disgusting. He looked up ahead to see they were already there.

"Yuuri! Yurio! You're late!" Viktor said a little sternly, lifting a finger, but still smiling.

"I was here earlier, old man." Yuri mumbled angrily at Viktor. The silver haired male could see Yuri's and Yuuri's hands intertwined making him chuckle to himself before speaking again.

"Ah! Right! Oh Yuuri~! You're here! Aww Yurio, how sweet of you to even think of bringing him h-" Viktor smiled big as he talked, but was cut off by Yuri.

"Okay! We are changing!" Yuri shouted and walked, unintentionally dragging Yuuri with him to the changing room.

"But you're already ch-"


"Oh?~ You guys are hold-"

"Заикнись!! (Shut up!!)" Yuri shouted from the changing room. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Viktor sighed placing two fingers on his head while his other hand placed itself on his hips. "My goodness, Yurio will have to really learn how to mellow down more. Agape and Lilia's teaching has only done so much." He muttered to himself as a mental note and a wish.

"That Viktor, I don't even know anymore..." he muttered. "Anyway, get changed." He said to Yuuri, pointing at him, poking him lightly a few times on his chest as if to tell him to get a move on.

"You don't have to shout and get angry every time Viktor speaks to you. And also." Yuuri gave a small pout then paused before continuing with sheepish smile. "I would but I wouldn't be able to if you're going to hold my hand the whole time." he put up their hands, showing Yuri's hand clutching his. Yuri's eyes widened, immediately causing him to let go of Yuuri's hand and turn around just stopping by the door frame and crossed his arms as he waited.

"Y-you.. you. Shush. You and Viktor.. need to just..shush" he said slowly and his tone was a little angry. Yuuri took it as a hint not to speak any further and cause more trouble than he already thinks he's been giving the blond Russian. He got changed thanks to an extra set of clothes in he locker he normally uses, since he didn't actually have time to change earlier, and pat Yuri's shoulder once he was done.

"Let's go." He smiled. "I'm surprised you actually waited." He continued out of realization. And from that sentence, his hand was shrugged off from Yuri's shoulder.

"Yea, yea whatever. Its waiting it's no big deal." Yuri mumbled and walked back to the rink with Yuuri by his back. They skated towards the center to where Viktor was and stayed a few feet in front of him

"For today, both of you will practice Agape and Eros. I think it's been a while since we last did so, so let's see if you still remember each of your routines. Now don't ask why, it's just to mostly to jog your memory from how your performances were and probably improve it more the next time you could probably use them or.. make it easier to move when we find new songs to perform with. It's a good strategy. " Viktor smiled at Yuuri and Yuri as they skated in front of him. "Yuuri, you're up first." He beamed at the Japanese male. The said male gave an unsure look and a rather nervous one too.

"Uhm okay.." Yuuri said slowly, taking off his glasses and slicking back his hair a little to give more effect, some hair flopped back in it's original state as he skated to the center of the rink. Viktor and Yuri skated towards the wall and Viktor used the remote to then press play and In Regards to Love: Eros started to play.

'Here we go..!'

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