"Ayo hurry up in there too , i got shit to do " ...the unknow voice told the Female as they pulled up into the facility."Okay damn..i guess your anxious right ? " the female responded as she slamed the car door walking up to the pavement.
So many thoughts was running through her brain.
I mean ..how can he love me but make me do this? I really wanted this to happen. We was supposed to be happy. He gave me the $500 to go along with the precidure but im scared shit less. I hope next time we can keep it. I love him ..alot.
The female was so wrapped up in her thoughts , she didnt realize she had went through the big metal doors and was at the counter.
A heavy set lady with a soft peach voice greeted her with Sympathy like she knew her situation.
"Hello , I need you to fill out these forms , Check every box that applies & put it right in the drop off box until someone calls you okay" ...the Receptionist spoke in her soft toned voice.
She made her way to a chair and began looking around. Her eyes wondering the room. She felt like everyone was watching her everymove..Like they knew what she was there for.
She looked down at the form and began to fill out what applies.
-Name ..Harmonei Cliffton
-Procedure..Checkup , Abortion , Pregnancy test , etc..She put the check next to Abortion.
-Are you being Forced into this procedure? ..She checked the No box.When she stood up ans dropped it in the Box where it belongs , about 5 minutes later she heard a male almost shout her name.
"Ms. Cliffton ! , Ms. Harmonei Cliffton!"
She scurried to the man like a deer in headlights. An adult ..so fascinating...so strong..so powered..Yet..this one Man in her life has to power of God according too her.
See Harmonei Cliffton was a Beauty. She had a nice frame ..Nice dark brown eyes yet seductive as they come. Her Parents hit a good number on her Melanin because she was glowing non stop. She had almost jet back hair that stopped a little past her shoulders..and decent sized soft lips everyone wished they had.
As she followed the doctor into the small room , the doctor explained the procedure as she she got undressed.
She laid down on the cool metal table and put her legs in the right holders. A nurse was now in the room inserting a IV into her hand.
For this type of procedure she had to be awake..They dosed her up with a good amount of Medicine so she wouldnt feel a thing.
The doctor put his swivel chair at the base of the table , and in between her legs and started looking down at her opening. He took a Circular tool and warned Harmonei that it would be a little pressure.
As he inserted the tool , Harmonei jumped..she wasnt ready for whats happening now ..but she wanted her man happy.
45 minutes later..Harmonei was outside and thinking that her Man was there...ready to comfort her..but he was no where to be found.
"Shit , this nigga always doing something. Im tired of this shit." she thought out loud.
As soon as she went to grab her phone , a Taxi was driving by as she flaged it down. When she got in , she told the Man her adress and went straight to Mama T's house. The lady that raised her...but with Mama T growing up in the Deep south in the 50's ..this lady was just as Blunt as they come. She knew Mama T was about to have her ass on a plate..but she needed the Comfort of a person right now. . .
Ssoooo this is just a Introduction of the book. 5 stars & Comments for Chp 1 so dont forget to vote & comment😝..
~Thoughts on Harmonei ?
-Thoughts on her " Man"?
STAYED TUNED AND RIDE THIS ROLLER COASTER WITH HARMONEI....in Triumphs of a not so average bitch.❤
Triumphs of a not so average bitch.
Não Ficção*DISCLAIMER* "Life is a Beach , Im Just Playing in the Sand". -Lil wayne. RATED R ...READ at your own risk. Excuse the Grammer Mistakes. Enjoy. (COPY RIGHTS BELONG TO ME..DONT STEAL MY SHIT) ..READ TO FIND OUT!!