The movie

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Semira Pov:
I wounded if Justin girlfriend likes me or not.Yea she did get me that eye but maybe something was in it.Come on Kelly come here already jeez.How long dose it take for you to put something on and find my dorm.
Kelly Pov:
Should I wear something nice or normal or even a dress.Ugh this is to hard to pick from,I'm just going to ask Semira.
Back to real life:
*Kelly calls Semira*
Semira:Now you called.
Kelly:Um yea sorry also can you help me for what to wear.
Semira:Why dose that matter.
Kelly:Because Karsyn duh didn't you know she doesn't like when people wear nice stuff and be by Justin.So should I listen to that or just wear something nice.
Semira:Will first of all it's your choice and no one can tell you what to wear. Second of all HURRY UP!
Kelly:Ok the. I'm just going to wear my normal stuff cya.
Semira:Ok finally blah blah blah *complaint*
*end the call*
Justin Pov:
I wound who Semira pick to come to the movie with.Hope fully it's not a boy,wait why do I care away ways it can be a boy.Before we even go in,I'm going to try to give your phone back.
Back to real life:
*The 2 walk out of the dorm*
Justin:So who's your "date".
Semira:Will it's not really a "date" but it's a person that I'm close to kind of.
Justin:Oh ok then.
*Kelly ran to Semira*
Kelly:I'm here people.
Justin:So your the "date". *he starts laughing.*
Kelly:What's so funny about that and btw I'm not a "date" the movie is free then I'm in.
Semira:Guys stop let's just go and where is Karsyn.
Justin:I don't know maybe she is.
*Before Justin can say anything Karsyn came and kiss Justin.*
*Semira and Kelly started to feel awkward so then walk to the movie first.*
Kelly:How do you feel about Justin also your roommate?
Semira:What do you mean, he is a super sweet guy.Why is he a player?
Kelly:Oh just wait he just had Karsyn for only 2 days I bet you she is getting dump.
Semira:Will you never know.
*The 2 sat in the seat and Justin and Karsyn catch up.*
Justin:Sorry I had to carry Karsyn because she said *her feet hurt."
Karsyn:Hey it really did. *She rolls her eyes.*
Kelly:Can you guys shut up and let's watch the movie.
Semira:I agree with Kelly expect for the shut up part you guys can do anything you want.
Justin mind:Today I'm going to give Semira phone back.
Semira mind:Today I have to say thank you to Justin.
Semira and Justin:Yea!
Karsyn:Omg are you 2 ok.
Kelly:For the first time (and for ever-from frozen) I agree with Karsyn.
Justin:Semira can I see you outside for 1 sec.
Semira:Umm... yea sure.
*They both walk out the movie.*
*Semira and Justin yelled at the same time*
Semira:Thank you!
Justin:Here is your phone *he hand it to Semira*
*They both smile*
Semira:Let's go back to the movie.
Justin:Yea let's go they might think we are doing something weird.
*They walk in the movie together*
Kelly:Welcome back, you didn't miss anything *sje lied*
Karsyn:Did you guys do anything weird.
Semira:Why would we.
*Karsyn gets mad*
Kelly:Karsyn calm down I swear Semira is way to nice to do it anything to Justin.
Karsyn:You know what Semira get out and leave Justin alone he is mine and always be mine.Im way pretty then you so you better stop whatever you are doing!
*Semira ran out and crying*
Justin:What the heck did you just do.
Kelly:You know what I'm leaving too bye love birds.
Justin:Karsyn I think we should......

Hey guys sorry for not writing in a very very long time.I been on a trip and I left my phone at home so I couldn't' do anything.So what will happen next.What will Justin do to Karsyn.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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