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Sam's POV

I woke up to a gentle sun beam hitting my eyelids. Of course the wind had to move my curtain to make me wake up. I decided to check the time before deciding to get out of my cozy bed, It's 12:00 so I suppose I should get ready for today. I lifted myself up and let my feet touch the ice cold ground, running over to my closet to get socks so my feet wouldn't be in so much pain. I got interrupted by a notification making my phone go off, I checked it and saw that my calendar told me I was going to teach younger kids at a trampoline park. Wait... when? Shit! in an hour.

I threw my phone on my bed and grabbed a quick outfit which was resting on my desk chair, with the other 25 items of clothing. This consisted of: Nike leggings, Nike thin strapped sport bra, a salmon colored hoodie, a black hat with white lettering, tarton Vans and pink diamond earrings.

I looked at myself in the mirror and looked down at my outfits reflection. Wow, amazing, gorgeous, oh my- my hair! Why is my hair so freaking bad in the morning, I have to do something about whatever that is. A birds nest maybe. I grabbed my brush and started de tangling my birds nest, and decided to put my hair in two dutch plaids. 'Aahhh thats better' I sighed letting my arms fall to my sides. I grabbed my phone and saw that there were 5 minutes remaining for me to grab my bag run downstairs and get something to eat on the drive there.

I looked around the kitchen and saw a loaf of bread. Mhm maybe toast? Nope that will take ages for me to eat. Let's just go for a simple banana instead, I grabbed it from the fruit bowl and yelled 'good bye!' And closed the door behind me. If you are wondering why I have difficulty eating toast or anything I have to bite into, it's because I have braces.

I sat in my car, put on my music and headed over to Gravity Falls. When I got there I quickly ate the banana and put my stuff in a locker getting ready to head to the group of people that I will be teaching, I found out it weren't only kids well maybe not physically but mentally.

5 older guys stood there right in front of me and 2 little boys. They were all joking around and laughing, making me think that this would be an interesting day.

"Hi I'm Sam, short for Samantha, and I will be helping you guys today" I greeted, walking towards them.

"Heeellloooo" all the boys greeted, dragging the word along.

"Okay, follow me" I said turning around and saw that the place looked abandoned.

"Go ahead and do what you want" I said stretching my arms out to show they could do anything.

"I don't know where to start" one of the guys said, he was wearing a baseball T-Shirt. Wait is that who I think it is?

"Maybe learn how to do a flip without breaking your neck" the other Blonde haired guy laughed making the others laugh as well.

"How about Sam teaches us all how to do some great flips" a guy with brown hair, which was swooped to one side, said.

"Uh sure. May I first ask what your names are?" I nervously laughed the last part.

"Oh, forgot about that" the blonde haired boy said who looked like he was into baseball.  "Brooklyn" he answered. Oh god it is who I thought it was.

"My name is Mikey" the guy with black kind of curly hair said

"Rye" the guy with brown hair swooped to one side said

"Andy" the other blonde haired boy said

"I will go as last then" the last guy said. "I am Jack" he smiled.

"Nice to meet you guys. And you two boys are?" I asked looking at the boys who were already jumping around

"My little twin brothers, Sammy and Sean" Rye answered.

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