Bliss of the Night

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(5 years ago)

“You came!” I exclaimed as I ran straight into his arms. He finally came. Oh I missed him so much. He hardly visits anymore, but whenever he does, I let him know how much his absence affects me.

He was glowing, almost blinding me. It was a light so pure, that once you touched it, your body and immediately relaxes, you feel calm, serene. Like nothing bad could ever happen or exist. He surrounded me with his light which was emanating from every part of his body. The light slowly caressed my whole body, making me feel light-weight in an instant, with nothing to worry about.

He was here. That’s all that mattered.

We hugged each other for awhile; I swear I could just stay in this pair of strong arms forever, until he released me.

When I opened my eyes, I noticed that we were in a different place. This one didn’t look as happy and cheerful as OUR forest.  We were in a different part of the same forest. Probably in the middle of it, as if this place was the eye of a hurricane, trees and more trees surrounded us, encircled us, except that in the middle there were no trees, only a small flat surface covered with grasses and flowers of all colors. A clearing.

I saw him reach around and when he came towards me he offered me with the brightest and most beautiful blue rose I had ever seen in my life. I held it in my hands and started to analyze its every feature. I ran my fingers over the silky smooth surface of its petals as I leaned forward and inhaled its sweet intoxicating smell. He knew I loved roses, and that I study their meaning.  A blue rose means “mystery”.

I looked at him, pretty sure my eyes were shining full of unasked questions.

“I chose blue because,” he began; his voice was like the best symphony ever created. “Even though I’m your guardian angel, you are still a mystery to me. We both have grown up together, I’ve always been beside you but that doesn’t mean I know every single detail about you.

“It’s also one of the rarest and unique rose colors out there, just like you. Besides, blue is one of your favorite colors.” He flashed me a shy smile.

I blushed at what he was said. He might be 11, like me, but he had another way of thinking and analyzing – well, if he didn’t, he couldn’t protect and guard me throughout my life – he was much more mature. Although I wasn’t behind, he has taught me many things in the last years to last a lifetime. “Thank you.” I said as he took the rose from my hands and placed it on my hair, so that it was over my right ear.

“Come,” He said, “sit down with me.” He motioned me towards the forest floor. We both sat crossed-legged.

Suddenly, I felt the mood change. He was going to tell me something important. I just didn’t like how serious he looked. His eyes were boring into me, I could feel it. I dared to look at him in the eye, such golden eyes—

He was struggling. His eyes showed that much, as if he was choosing his next words really carefully, balancing what to tell me and what not. I was getting real nervous and impatient. I wanted to do something fun with him today, something new, since I didn’t know when he’ll visit my dreams again.

Just when I was about to open my mouth to say something; he started talking.

“Nat, I won’t be visiting your dreams anymore.” He stated matter-of-factly.

What? He won’t—won’t—

“Wh—why—y?” I stuttered. He couldn’t leave me, right? He was my guardian angel for heavens sake (no pun intended)

“I will still be your guardian angel Nat.” He said, totally ignoring my question. “I have a new duty and for me to accomplish it,” He pursed his lips. “I can’t enter your dreams anymore.” I could see in his eyes how difficult it was for him, but it also seemed like he wasn’t telling me the whole truth.

But I wasn’t going to push him for more.

“Please, don’t leave me.” I begged as the tears started form at the corner of my eyes, but I managed to hold them. I couldn’t cry; I knew I was one of the luckiest human beings in this world. Not many have the chance to actually have a relationship with their guardian angel. The thought of not having that opportunity anymore was actually breaking my heart, my dreams, my beliefs…

“Nat, I’m not leaving you. I will always be near you. Please have faith in that, in ME. Never forget me, Nat, because I will never forget you, ill never forget these amazing times we have had in your dreams. Never forget any of that. Remember that appearances can be deceiving. Nat—” The tears came anyway, no matter how much I fought, they spilled over.

I watched, as once again, he turned to reached something and came towards where I was sitting with a Red rose. Love.

More tears came. They wouldn’t stop, they just came faster and faster, and I found that I was sobbing. This pain was unbearable. It was too much.

He took me into his arms so that I was sitting on his lap. I put my face on the crook of his neck. The tears still came when his light embraced me once again.

“Nat, remember that what you feel, I will always feel. We are one and the same. I’m not going far, in fact I might as well be closer to you. I love you, Nat, remember that, always.” His voice was not shaking but I did catch his deep sigh at the end of that sentence. As if he was trying to control his emotions. Wait, did he say love? Well yeah he did, wouldn’t you love someone you have to protect and guide through life?

I took a good long look at his face, so that I could always remember it. But I got distracted when I saw his watery golden eyes; a tear rolled down his cheek. I pulled myself up, and kissed his tear away. “I will never forget you, I promise.”


I woke to find myself crying. I got out of bed and headed to my mirror. I tilted my head to the side. I was— crying? But what for? I couldn’t remember anything, what happened?

That’s when something caught my eye. Something in the mirror, along the right side of my head.

Something blue.


As I turned my face to the left I saw something that made my whole world stop.

A rose.

A blue rose!

Everything came back, the dream, the roses, the forest, everything. A deep pang of sadness flooded through me.

But if it was a dream, how come the rose is here, in my right ear, just where he put it. And to top it all, Intact!

And as I turned around, lying there on my bed—

“The red rose.” I whispered in amazement, but that was not what I thought was amazing…

It was the faint, but clear, golden light that shown from within.

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