Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

At midday the Coach sent us to get change. We were going to a lake and I was really excited, this would be the first fun thing we’ll do since we got here.

I’ve always loved to swim. Whenever I enter the water, I enter this whole new world, a world with no problems. Everything seemed so magical; anything could be possible.

 I rolled my eyes when I noticed Cassy stressing about what to wear. “God Cassy, we’re just going to swim, it’s not a modeling contest! Pick something already, anything.” I love her, but sometimes her attitude just makes me want to slap her to reality and make her see that appearances are not the most important thing in this world. I watched as she kept looking for something to wear, throwing what she didn’t like to the floor beside me. The pile was already covering my feet. Who knew she brought so many clothes?

 Finally she decided to use a 2-piece purple-and-blue bikini suit. “Now it’s your turn!” She beamed at me. She started ruffling through my bags (maybe looking for something SHE added?) and pulled out another 2-piece bikini suit, but this one was orange-and-fuchsia. I stared at the piece, blinking several times while my mouth hung agape. “Come on Nat, don’t stay there looking at it, put it on and bring it to life!” I did as she said because I was hypnotized by it. 

“Wow.” I breathed as I saw myself on the mirror Cassy was holding up.

Cassy grinned at me. “Girl, wow doesn’t even cover it.” We both laughed at that and started walking to where Coach told us to meet, before heading towards the lake. I saw no sign of Moses or Gabriel and I was glad. I needed this swim to think, get everything in my mind organized.

 As we walked towards the lake I felt the same pang of déjà vu that filled me when I arrived here. I hate this feeling, it’s frustrating!

I glanced at Cassy to see that she was in her own world so I left her there as I drifted into my own.

The trees we were passing now were much thicker and bigger compared to the ones that encircle our camp site. Anyone could get lost here. I shuddered at the thought.

When we reached the lake, I swear I could’ve fainted right then and there. Before me was the most amazing view I had ever seen in my life! The lake was enormous, but what caught my attention wasn’t the size of it. No, it was how the water looked. Below the midday sun it looked like a mirror, reflecting everything above and near it. It even sparkled. The water stayed peaceful until some guy threw himself in a bomb-like way into the lake and I snapped out of it.

“So guys, jump in and have fun!” Coach said as he and the other adults made their way to one side of the lake to “supervise”.

That’s when Cassy and I parted ways, Marie was nowhere to be seen and that preoccupied me. I narrowed my eyes, wondering where she went.

As I approached the lake I noticed that in the edge, there was something purple. It looked like powder. Purple powder? What the hell?

I ignored it, since I knew no good would come from questioning the existence of purple powder along the edge of the lake, especially because no one else appeared to have noticed.

I left my things besides Cassy’s and started to do some stretching’s, warming up so I wouldn’t hurt myself.

When I was done, I headed off to the edge of the lake and stretched my arms over my head, then jumped.

The water was really warm; I actually expected it to be cold. Then again, it’s summer.

I could open my eyes beneath the water. It was a bit deep but nothing that I couldn’t deal with. It was also pretty clear, making it easier for me to swim.

The water caressed my body with its movement as I glided through it. Instantly, I started to feel relaxed.

And I began to think.


He’s been my best friend since always. A friendship ruined by his newfound feelings towards me. Feelings I wouldn’t be able to return, no matter how much I tried. But I shouldn’t ignore him. I realized that I’m only hurting him more by distancing myself from him. I closed my eyes for a second.

Now Gabriel.

I’m not IN love with him. Geez I barely know the guy. We have spoken one or three times in all the five years I’ve known him. I’m pretty sure he barely knows I exist. I’m not THAT dumb and I’m not hoping that that would change any time soon. It’s like you tell your best friend (a BIG mistake if you ask me, especially since I told both Cassy and Moses) that you feel like you’ve seen the guy and that whenever you look at him in the eyes, you feel this special connection; BAM! You are in love with him.

I am not planning on letting anyone win my heart. I’ve been crushed too many times to last a lifetime. I don’t want to feel like that again just because of some idiot.  And because of this thinking I’ve rejected a hand full of other idiots.

So now that that’s all cleared up I can actually enjoy my swim.

I came up for air and was hit by a gentle breeze. It felt nice on my wet face, like a slap making me come back to reality. Everyone was in small groups talking and splashing each other. I even caught a glimpse of Cassy, who was talking to the guy who jumped bomb-like into the lake. Taylor? Tyler? Oh, whatever.

I stared dived back in, swimming deeper. I enjoyed how bit by bit the water became colder and warmer at the same time. I came up to take my breath and dive right back in. Although I have long hair, amazingly it stayed away from my face. My hands and feet felt as smooth as a baby’s bottom.

Suddenly, from deep in the lake, a light began to shine. At first it was just a sliver, but then it started spiraling, never quite touching the surface. And then reality sunk in. A light! In the deep bottom of the lake!

I screamed, choked on the water, and then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2012 ⏰

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