Hey now youre an all star

3 0 0

Everything went silent, nothing could be heard for a whole minute and then Virus said "now that we have relax I would to confess to you aqua."Aqua looked confused and blushed a bit.
Virus said "we you be my ... my "
Aqua slowly said "your what?" While slightly blushing even more.
Virus said while also starting to blush "will you be my HERE COMES THAT BOIfriend"
Aqua jumped with joy and responded "YE BOIIIIIII"
Sterg was changed from that day he learnt that memes aren't just joke they can express someone emotion,they can express something even greater called LOVE. That day Virus and Aqua were officially BOIfriend and FreSavakaDo.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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