Life as is.....

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"Where the bloody hell is she!" It was four in the morning and Liza still hasn't  returned home. "Mate, I swear that girl will be the end of me." Killian Johns was furious at the young lady that happened to be his sixteen year old sister. Liza was a reckless  girl who loved adventure, yet she never seemed to care about the time she came home. Suddenly the door opened widely and Liza walks in. "Hey bro!" She said wildly. "Where in the bloody river of lost soles have you been!" "Who, chill MATE, I was just running a bit late." She said, mocking him. "A LITTLE LATE, IT IS FOUR IN THE BLOODY MORNING!" "What's the big deal, yes, I WAS HAVING FUN." "Listen, I worry about you Liz, next time be home in time." "I was having fun at the docks"  "THE DOCKS, YOU HAVE BETTER NOT BEEN ON THE BOAT!"  "No, I was not on your precious boat, but if you would let me tag along on one of the trips, i promise I will be good."   "Absolutely not young lady!"And with that Captain Hook grabbed a beer from the frig a walked away.
What's up with him? Liza thought as she walked up to her room.  Ever since she was little Killian had been supper over protective.  There parents had died when she was little and Killian, then known as Captain Hook, came to raise her.  I love that big oaf, but seriously I can take care of my self. Hook was 27 and had a small drinking problem.  Sometimes Liz  wondered if he would ever take her on one of his boat trips.  She had longed to go and be a part of the crew, yet captain wouldn't let her.

As she turned into her room and closed the door, she felt something.  She slowly walked to the middle of the room, silently preparing herself.  With a sudden burst of agility, she leapt around drawling the sword she kept hidden In her jacket.The stranger suddenly grabbed the blade of the sword and twisted it from her grasps.   "A little lady shouldn't play with swords, you might hurt yourself." The stranger said playfully, with a sly smile on his lips.  "Who are you, and what do you want?" Liza demanded, not deterred as was her way.  "I believe I must have forgot in to introduce myself, I'm Peter, Peter Pan."  He silently circled her, studying her every move.  Suddenly he appeared behind her,  "Peter pan, the Monster, the Demond."  The Demon, those words stuck out like no other. If this was truly the Peter Pan of old tails, she was in trouble. "Killi....." She never got to finish cause Pan cupped his dirty hand around her mouth and chilled her.  "Shh, we don't want to be angering me now do we?" Liza slowly shook her head. "Good, now I'm going to remove my hand, and if I were you, I wouldn't make a sound." Slowly the pressure on her face lifted. "Now who are you, love?"  "My name is Liza, but you can call me Liz."  "Well Liz, your coming to Neverland,  for purposes undecided." Pan said this in such a sly tone that it caught her off guard. "I don't think s........." Pan suddenly snapped his fingers and Liz blacked out.

Hey bros. so this is like my first fan fiction. I hope it will be good.  Please comment if you have tips or vote. Sorry this chapter was short, the next one will be longer.

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