Lets Pay......A Neverland Game

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P.O.V Liza

Ugh, Liza felt herself regaining consciousness.   Suddenly she realized she wasn't alone. All round her were teen boys, ranging from ages 7 to 18. 

"Ah, our sleeping beauty is finally awake."  said the boy she met the night before.

Liza jumped to her feet. "Where am I" she demanded

The boy, now known as Pan stepped forward motioning around her then looking at her directly in the eyes, "Welcome to Neverland"

"What do you want."

" Well, right now, to play a game."

It takes you a minute to process this. What did he mean?

"Your goal, make it to sundown without being captured or killed"  He stops to make a sly smirk, "Or both."

Oh bloody hell


"What are you.."

"Giving you a head start, better start running!"

You take off in to the woods without looking back.  Running and running you take notice that you are in a jungle.  Suddenly you stop and take cover inside a big bush like tree.  It had thick hanging green leaves.  This was good.

How could i have been so stupid?  mentally scolding yourself.

One of the first survival skills I taught myself  was to never run into a place without knowing where i was.  I could easily run into  trap and get killed.  Slowly looking I notice that there are many other trees like the one i am in.  Perfect for hiding.  Yet perfect for traps to.  There is a river to my right with many branches hanging over it.   I hear voices and feet to my left. I suck in all  my air to keep from breathing and listen to there conversation.

"Where is she, seriously we should have found her by now." one said impatiently

"Be patient,  she is in an unknown area, she will probably walk right into us. Shes a girl after all."  said the other.

A girl after all! Who do they think they are. As they walk away i creep out from under my bush.  Swiftly but carefully i make my way.  After what i guess is an hour, i hear lost boy far away, but something is different.

"Let the dogs go, the'll sniff her out."

DOGS!  That is so not fare.  As  i thought that i realized this isn't just some game, this was Neverland and i was dealing with Lost Boys.
Suddenly I got up and started sprinting. I circled a tree multiple times then I whet to the next nearest one and circled it to. Repeating that step multiple times before wading into the river. It was surprisingly deep and I grabbed on to the stone bank to stay still. Just as I had planed. The dogs followed my sent and started circling trees, soon forgetting that they had already circled it and went on repeating.
"What's gotten into the dogs?" A young boy asks
An older one replays harshly, "bloody girl tricked them by doubling back multiple times"
Yes! It worked. As the boys ran away knowing I'd be somewhere near by, I let my self float down the river. It quickly deepened and soon I was swimming. What do I do now. I can't run all day, I still have at least twelve hours left.
Where would they least expect me? Then it hit me. The place they'd least expect me is where they would be most likely to get me. The camp. But how do I get there? Well, they need water, so if I fallow the river it should lead to them.
Slowly I swam keeping to the edge of the river. The edge was covered with the same leafy plants that I ducked under for cover. Multiple times I had to duck for cover when footsteps were heard. Every time I heard there conversations, the lost boys were getting more and more aggravated. It was around twelve. Suddenly I see tents and a fire pit.
I see a sturdy branch and when the coast was clear, I jumped out of the water and pulled myself out of the water. Silently I climbed to the middle of the tree. I realized how massive this tree was. The branches were three feet thick, I couldn't even think about the trunk. After about an hour, when I thought I was dry enough not to leave a water trail, I started climbing down.
I stopped when I was right above a weapons rack with staffs and crossbows.
I need to cause a distraction. About ten feet away was a pile of rocks. I pick up a heavy pine cone and chuck it, causing the pile to crumble. The lost boy grading the camp shout in delight thinking that I had knocked it over and was now running. Right as they left I reached down, grabbed an crossbow and a staff, then proceeded to climb back up the tree.
I wanted to stay in the tree, for it seamed like a good place.
No I can't do that. That would make me a sitting target. I must keep moving and taking the fight to them. I looked around and realized i could travel by tree. Slowly I crawled from one tree to the other. Finally I was positioned near some boys that seamed to be setting up a trap. When they were finished they stood in front of the net. I swiftly loaded my bow and shot at there feet. I kept shooting causing them to back up into there own trap. The net came up trapping both boys. I repeated this process multiple times for many thought it was a good idea to set traps. It was about 30 minutes till sundown.
Almost there
I found my way back to the camp and waited.
Boys were starting to return, looking defeated. As there were dispersing one boy about 16 stopped and announced in a loud qclear voice.
"Thought you were pretty clever now did ya. Why don't you come down and finish this." Now all eyes were on me cause I've been spotted. I decided to rely on the two rules I have been living by since this morning. Take the fight to them, and fight smart not hard.
I dropped to the ground with staff in hand. I was quickly surrounded by angry lost boys. I started of by fighting with the staff. Blocking attacks right and left, knocking boys to the ground. Then one boy broke my staff and I backed up. What they did't know was that I had a jacket that was given to me by my brother. Killian had this jacket specially made. It was lined with Kevlar and had many secret compartments that held knives, an arrangement from throwing to fighting knives. I pulled out two and jumped in to the fight. I was always much better with knives that anything else. It was almost dark. I had disarmed all the lost boys except one. This boy was tall, around 17, and had a big scar over his face. We started fighting. Just before he pined me down a familiar voice bellowed, "STOP" Immediately every boy stopped, including scar face. Pan stalked up to me.
"Well done, I'm surprised you made it."
Then he turned to the boys, "Seriously, how did this girl beat you. I am disappointed, not only was she outnumbered and new to Neverland, she managed to use your own traps against you!"
He turned back to you. "You have managed to survive, and you are outstanding in fighting. You will stay and be the first lost girl." He smirked and for the second time that day said, "Welcome to Neverland, love"

I hope this was a better chapter, I tried to make it long.  Please comment. I'm only going to write if someone's reading

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