1: T-N-T

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© 2017 D.S. Little
All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

*Eight Years Later*


"Terrrrrr-ence Dunnnn for threeeee!" Our announcer Mr. Peters yelled to the packed crowd at our high school gym. Dred Scott High was lined wall to wall with parents and students watching our Jaguars play the Central High Eagles.

"Good shot, baby!" Terrence's mother, Cassandra Dunn said cupping her hands over her mouth. She reminded me so much of the bougie mom from that tv show Half & Half with the way she carried herself, except she was more humble than that mom.

Terrence Dunn and I or TD as everyone liked to call him, had been best friends since we were kids when my family moved into the neighborhood when I was only four years old. My mom had just gotten married and gave birth to my sister Joy a year later.

TD and I hit it off right away, always playing outside together with the rest of the neighborhood kids. The two of us got into so much trouble together his mom had nicknamed us T-N-T early on, explaining that whenever the two of us got together that it was like waiting on an explosive to go off.

"He already has 27 points and there is still four minutes left in the game!" His father, Xavier Dunn, leaned over and told his wife.

I admired TD's parents, they had been together his entire life unlike my mom who had long-divorced her husband.

While his parents whispered amongst each other, I looked on as TD ran down the court to get back on defense. At 6'5, Terrence was one of the taller players on the court but it wasn't just his tall height that made him one of the top players in the state of Missouri. He also had incredible basketball skills. From the moment I first met him, I couldn't remember a time when Terrence didn't have a basketball in his hand.

Timing a steal perfectly he picked off a pass from the Central point guard and his long legs were able blow past everyone to the other side of the court where he dunked the ball so hard that the entire gym erupted to its feet. Dred Scott was now up 75-69 with only two minutes left in the game.

Out of desperation, Central's coach called a time-out and they gym continued screaming for our team as they walked towards their bench. The band began to play DJ Khaled's All I Do is Win and the Varsity cheerleaders ran to center court to dance along to it.

Front and center was Terrence's gorgeous girlfriend, cheerleading captain, Akira James. I watched on as she led the squad in a series of cheers to pump up the crowd. I followed along with their orders and spelled out the words Go Jaguars. After doing a series of impressive flips she and the other cheerleaders waved at the crowd and ran back to the sidelines.

It took twenty-minutes for the last two minutes of the game to finally play out. Between all of the fouling and time-outs the game had been dragged out longer than it should have. Dred Scott still came out on top beating Central 81-74.

"Well," Terrence's mom said standing up along with her husband while adjusting her purse on her shoulder, "you kids drive home safe."

"Yes ma'am." I told her accepting the hug that she and her husband gave me before leaving.

I stood off to the side waiting for Terrence to finish celebrating with his team because he was also my ride home. At the moment I watched as his face was lit up while hugging his teammates on the court.

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