Chapter 7

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Shitty Glasses' (Hanji's) POV
I woke up because of my phone alarm. I got up and searched for Kiko. "Huh? She's not here. LEVI!" I yelled. "What shitty glasses?" Levi said in his monotone voice. "Where's Kiko?" I asked. "She probably went to school already." Levi said. "It's already 7:00, we have to go to our houses to change. But first, Kiko made us some breakfast and left a note."  I said. We ate breakfast and I read the note.

'I packed some lunch for both of you in the fridge, don't forget to lock my door!
P.S. Don't let Levi snoop in my room or I'll kill you!'

I went to look for Levi, he already finished his breakfast. I look in every room when I came to the last door...

Kiko's Room

The door was slightly creaked open and I could hear someone breathing. I opened the door silently....... wait no I threw open the door and saw Levi going through a notebook. "LEVI WHAT ARE YOU DOING! KIKO IS GONNA KILL YOU!" I  yelled. "Shhhhh! Don't tell her!" Levi whispered, "You know this is an apartment! She is going to get kicked out if we keep making noise!" I snatched the notebook out of his hands  and put it under her bed. Then I dragged Levi out of the room. I looked at the time. "Levi we gotta go! It's already 7:30!" I gave him the lunch and shoved him out of the door. I followed him out and locked the door.

Kiko's POV
The first few periods passed by quickly. I haven't spoke a word to Hanji or Levi today. As the bell rang, I grabbed my lunch and head to the roof instead of sitting with Eren and his friends. When I opened the door, I was greeted by a strong gust of wind. "Well, the weather today seems to be acting like a bitch." I muttered. I sat down on the ledge where I could see campus and was thinking I should commit suicide or not. "Do you think I should do it? My life isn't worth it." I whispered to myself as I was counting down "3........2............" I heard someone running behind me as I was about to go down when someone grabbed my arm. "Don't do it." I heard a familiar voice. I only nodded and walked away, taking my  lunch and eating it someplace else. 'I don't want to see them right now' I thought as I walked into Hanji. I hesitated for a moment and quickly ran, to tree and began to climb until I got to a sturdy branch. I sighed and began eating my lunch in peace and quiet. I dozed off and was woken up by Hanji. "Shitty glasses what the hell do you want." I snarled. "Well sorry, but me and Levi were looking all over for you. Someone's being grumpy today." She muttered that last part. I ijstarted walking away. "Kiko wait-" Hanji started but got cut off by the bell. "See you in class" I muttered as I jumped off from the tree.

I went to science and sat down, scattering my books all over my desk. Levi came and sat down next to me. He opened his mouth to speak but I interrupted him. "Look Levi, I don't give a damn right now if my desk is messy or not, so shut up." I growled. I was angry, and I don't know why. "Everyone, how's the project going? I forgot to add this but, you have do a presentation about your project." Hanji announced to the class. The phone on her desk rang. "Hello? Ok. Bye." Hanji said, "Kiko go to the main office, and leave your stuff here." Hanji said. I was getting whispers from my classmates.

I started sprinting to the office. I got there and the secretary said, "Kiko, go through the door." She pointed to the door on her right. There is a sign, it read 'counselor'. "Tch, I don't need a stupid counselor." I muttered as I didn't go through the door but went outside the office. I went back to Hanji's class and sat my ass down. "What happened?" Levi asked. "Someone wanted me to go to the fucking counselor." I growled. "Did you go?" He asked again. "No, and stop it with these stupid questions." I muttered. The bell rang, signaling for the next class.

Once again, I apologize for not updating in so long. I'm slacking off and I really don't know what to write. Im just going with the story. See you in the next chapter! Sorry if this chapter is too short.


P.S. To all those people who voted for my story, I can't chat cuz I gotta activate my email and I can't find the email from Wattpad. Thx for voting!

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