See you soon sweetheart

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  Every morning, afternoon, and every evening I've been doing the same routine: wake up, set traps, bring heads, go home, get to bed and repeat the next morning. It honestly gets very repetitive when you know exactly what to do and how everything will play out.
  Though this time was different, as in 'oh dear Lord I'm trying to catch a meta-human' kind of different. So this was going to be harder than it usually is especially since they're one that can run faster than any form of transportation I'll ever have.
  Laying down on the top of some crates at the dock I waited for the man of the hour to come and answer the distress note. I may or may not have kidnapped a few people in order to get this man's attention but I mean how else am I going to? Tie a note to a balloon and hope he See's it?
  My hostages squirmed and cried and I looked at them with a bored expression. "Will you all quiet down please? You aren't gonna get hurt you're just bait," I said trying to calm them down but for some reason they just got louder and more annoying.
  "Please shut up, you're giving me such a head ache" I complained with a sharpness to my tone.
  "Now we wouldn't want that would we? Though I don't think kidnapping is the best choice when trying to get rid of your head pain miss."
  I glanced to the side and there he was, the fastest man on Earth: Flash.
  "How about you let them go beautiful and come with me so we can talk this out like civilized people" he said walking closer with a small smirk.
  He Isn't taking me serious.
  "Alright..." I said nodding my head as I cut lose the people I had kidnapped a few hours ago. They all quickly ran to Flash like moths to a flame before he told them to get somewhere safe and then they were gone.
  "So we're gonna talk? Like normal people?" I asked walking closer to the hero.
  He continued to come closer slowly as if he was being cautious,or at least was trying to make me think he was. "Yeah, but we can take this to the police if we have to-"
  "No. We don't." my statement made him stop in his tracks. Perfect.
  "Alright we won't. Why did you kidnap those people?" he questioned motioning back to the direction of where the people ran to.
  "No reason. I wanted to test a theory of mine" I answer before smirking.
  He looked at me confused and before he processed what has happened he was trapped from the waist down in some weird metal that moves with what it's surrounding.
  I laughed at how surprisingly easy that was as I thought, 'i should really find out what this stuff is it could be useful.'
  "Well Flash maybe you should have just knocked me out. So you know how many people want your head on a platter?" I asked him and poked his cheek.
  He glared at me as he struggled to get out of the metal. Was it wrong that him glaring looked sorta cute?
  Then it hit me, I could unmask the flash and send out the information to the highest bidder! Who the he'll cares what my employer wants I can kill him later!
  "Hey do you mind if I just peak at who you are? Of course you don't mind why would ya!" I chirped happily and reached out for his mask but his hand grabbed my wrist; shit I forgot about his arms.
  "No even when I'm half covered in whatever this stuff is." he said and grabbed my other arm when I tried to get his mask again.
  Grumbling I came up with an idea that was so stupidly cheesy that it might work!
  Taking in a deep breath I quickly leaned over to him and kissed him when he wasn't expecting it. Honestly speaking I expected him to pull away from me but he didn't, after a few seconds he actually kissed back. This is so weird...But...Really nice.
  He let go of my wrists and moved his hands to the back of my neck, my own going to his shoulders.
  We pulled away after a few more seconds and both blushed a bit awkwardly. Though I couldn't help but feel a bit victorious.
  "This is gonna be interesting, I usually don't have a thing for blondes" I said tilting my head to the side slightly.
  That seemed to snap him out of his awkward dazed state because he was soon scrambling to get his mask back on.
  "What's you name?" I quiped curiously, "or do I not get to know the name of the Hero I just kissed?"
  "Like hell I'm telling you, now let me out!" he said and went back to trying to get out of his encasement.
  "Nah, well I'll leave ya here to struggle, that stuff should sorta melt away in maybe an hour or so - I honestly don't know how it works -" I said and started packing up my stuff.
  "But I'll see ya around sweetheart, keep an eye out for me kay? You may get another kiss out of it" I chirped turning away from him with a peppy bounce in my step.
                   This will be fun.

-------------------Authors Note-----------------

Hey everyone! Look who isn't dead anymore! Well it seems that I still sorta am but I'm actually trying to update this time.
Okay so this was definitely not one of my best one shots in my opinion, guys I really need some ideas to have these actually be good, so please do some requests if you wanna read more of these sooner rather than later.
This was really just a piece that I'm putting out to get myself back into writing so don't judge it too harshly okay?
Later my fabulous pandicorns.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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