letter 1 - jungkook

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dear jin,

im fine. perfectly fine. its the others who arent. i fought yoongi today. well... he fought me. i entered our apartment, which still wasnt really cleaned after the party. how long was it ago? about two weeks ago? yeah, i think so too. anyways, i entered when i suddenly heard sobbing. it was yoongi, of course. he was yelling about you. he cant accept the fact that you left without saying anything. i tried to hold and restrain him, but he was too strong. he pushed me and, oh, im sorry. i got a tear on the paper. do you mind if the paper will be stained? its just a single tear. nothing more, nothing less, jin. just one, single tear. its not because of you, of course. its because of yoongi. he punched me, after i tried to hold him. i didn't really hold him. i wrapped my arms around him so he could stop lashing his arms out into the cold air (our air conditioner broke). i had to knock some sense into him. literally. i punched him right on his perfect jawline. it hurt. he pushed me again, and i crashed against the wall. i think one of my ribs are broken. but things get better and heal, right? i hope thats what will happen to the rest of us. oh--yeah!! the other guys. theyre doing okay. namjoon is trying to move on. hobi and jimin are currently in a hospital. i dont think you want to know why. taetae... actually... i dont know where or how taetae is. last time i saw him, he told me he wanted to see his parents. he said something about seeing how his mom is doing. yoongi is doing better. hes still crying. i can hear him weeping through our poorly insulated walls. we miss you. we hope you come back from your journey. please write back.

                                                                        with lots of bunny love,                      

                                                                                                          jeon jungkook


a letter in which jungkook doesn't say jin is dead, describes his fight with yoongi, says how the others are doing, and writes to jin as if he were alive.

dear jin ; btsWhere stories live. Discover now