Hogwarts, Hamilton, and Homework

36 3 4

||Caffeine, small talk
Wait out the plastic weather||

"I'm not saying that he was evil."

"That's exactly what you're saying."

"No I'm not, that's not at all what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that he fits all the characteristics of Slytherin house."

"Hamilton was not a Slytherin."

"Hamilton was so a Slytherin."

"This conversation is pointless."

"So is your face."

The group of four sat around the girls dorm, two on one couch and the other two on the floor. Kanda was sitting on the couch, one arm wrapped around Lenalee and the other hand holding a cup of tea, only speaking up when he had something negative to say about Allen, Lenalee was curled into his side, holding her own cup of tee and laughing at some joke Allen made, Miranda was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, book and tea in hand and making small contributions to the conversation every now and then although she always stayed interested, and Allen was sitting in the middle of the floor, already on his sixth cup of coffee as he vividly described what hogwarts house the Hamilton characters should be in as he attempted to study the pile of books and papers pooled around him.

"Allen, how's your roommate?" Miranda asked, trying to get the topic to something that would calm Kanda a bit.

"Oh, Krory's great. He's almost never in the room either. Spends like, 90% of his time with his girlfriend. What was her name again? Something with an E. Eliade, I think. God, I don't know what I would have done if I was stuck with Link for another year. I love the guy but he's a pain in the ass. So loud. And he's almost always following me when we're together. To be honest, it's getting a bit weird," Allen continued to ramble on for a bit, and when he was finally done Miranda had an immediate response, still trying to keep Kanda from getting too annoyed.

Miranda Lotta was quiet, but hated confrontation. Any fighting at all was her least favourite thing. Even if someone truly deserved it, she couldn't see people hurt, emotionally or physically. She knew everything between Allen and Kanda was just playful banter but it still got her on edge. So, she tried to derail all confrontation. She had met Allen in his first year at the school. She had been, and still was for that matter, roommates with Lenalee who had clicked with Allen almost immediately. After a while they became best friend and Miranda had grown to think of Allen as a little brother.

"And what about you Kanda? How's the new guy faring?"

Kanda let out a long sigh, letting his head hit the back of the couch. "Oh my GOD!"
Everyone broke out into fits of giggles.

Yuu Kanda was a cold and stoic guy that seemed harsh and mean, but the more you got to know him the better light you saw him in. He was protective, this was evident enough from the way he treated Lenalee. They had been dating for three years, although nobody knew for at least a year. He was the master of conflict, only starting something at a time he knew he would win. He could spit out a creative insult at the drop of a hat and through this skill almost became the creator of many nicknames.

"Jesus Christ I can't stand him."

"He's a fuckboy," Lenalee sighed, leaning on Kanda more and taking a sip of her tea.

Lenalee Lee was probably one of e sweetest people you'd ever meet. She was compassionate and caring, not caring who got in the way of her defending her friends. She had a quick wit that helped her keep up to Kanda and all of his antics and brought out his soft side. She was always at her happiest when surrounded by her friends, they were all like family to her. Her and Allen had clicked when he'd first come to the university, being only a year older than her it was a fast friendship and he had become the closest friend she'd ever have.

"Oh no," Miranda giggled, attempting to stifle it behind a cough.

Allen laughed along too, silently hiding the fact that he took out his phone to google what a fuckboy was.

Allen Walker was a loud mouthed, arrogant, egotistical, crude fuck who at the same time managed to be one of the sweetest, funniest, humble, most innocent people you'd ever know. He was a giant mess of contradictions wrapped up in white hair and scars. Allen clicked with people easily. He became fast friends with almost everyone he met. He was all smiles when surrounded by people he liked, but with anyone else it always seemed like he was ready to murder anyone who crossed paths with him.

"You'll have to introduce us some time," Allen commented, slipping his phone into his pocket and returning to the stack of papers he was working through.

"You'll like him, he's a huge nerd," Lenalee smiled, leaning forward and ruffling Allen's hair.

"I am not a nerd!" He loudly protested, earning laughs from the girls and a sigh from Kanda, although Allen could see the smile he was trying, and failing, so hard to hide.

"You're the biggest nerd I've ever met," Miranda agreed.

Allen turned back to his book, pouting at his friends annoying behaviour. Okay, maybe he was faking it for the sake of the laughs. He knew he was a nerd, it was no secret that Allen was a gigantic nerd. He relished in the attention it brought him. If there's one thing Allen loved, it was attention. Not the negative type of course, he just liked having people notice him was all.

After a couple minutes of idle chatter, Miranda brought the conversation back to their original topic.

"I feel like Eliza was a hufflepuff."

"Oh bitch of course she was a hufflepuff jesus she was the most hufflepuff don't even get me started on Eliza she was such a hufflepuff oh my god she fits it so well she was a selfless, considerate person and she didn't care what Alexander did most of the time, she trusted him and she supported him and-" Allen continued on his ramble, hardly even taking time to breathe, before he finally reached his conclusion.

"You're really passionate about this, aren't you?"

"Yes. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to get another coffee before I fall asleep on my biology work," Allen announced, hoping up and slipping.

"Allen it's only noon, hell, it's not even noon yet," Kanda sighed.

"Yeah, well, fuck you," Allen responded, bouncing out the door and into the hallway.

He had just turned the corner for the stairs when he collided head on, actually it was more like his head hit their chest, with someone else, effectively knocking him backwards. He waited for the hard impact of e ground but it didn't come. Instead, whoever had knocked into him had caught him. He looked up and was met with bright green eyes and bright orange hair.

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