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Song: Grow Up - Olly Murs


Soon enough it was lunchtime, Saeyoung sat at their usual table by the windows, Arielle by his side as always scrolling through her phone quietly. The redhead looked around not wanting to start eating without his friend but he was nowhere to be found.

Weird, He thought. Maybe I should just text him.

Pulling up Yoosung's contact information and their text history, he opened the keyboard and proceeded to type out a message. Arielle leaned over slightly, looking at the phone and scoffing once she saw who it was.

"Are you seriously texting him because he's a bit late to lunch? I know you're best friends but isn't Yoosung a big boy? I'm sure he can find his own way to lunchroom"

"I know, but he's usually here so-"

"So if he's not here there must be a reason. Just ask him later if he doesn't show, besides wouldn't you rather spend some alone time with me anyway?" Arielle consoled, taking the redhead's hand in hers with a grin.

Seyoung hesitated at first but soon gave in as he put his phone face down on the table, nodding with a small smile. "You're right"

The pair then began to eat their lunch, chatting and laughing here and there. It felt normal as though Yoosung never usually sat with them in the first place. Arielle preferred it this way anyway and took advantage of it too.

"So, we're gonna hang out after school right? There's this new shop at the mall that I really want to go to"

"Uh..well..I already told Yoosung I'd hang out with him after school-"

"I'm sure he won't mind- I mean he seems to be busy with Saeran anyway"

Saeyoung's eyebrows raised slightly in confusion. "Busy with Saeran? He only tutors him on Tuesdays and Thursdays"

"Yeah but that's not the only time they're together. I actually saw them together this morning on my way to school they seemed...close" Arielle recounted as she packed her things.

"Together? This morning? But I was with Yoosung this morning, he walked to school today"

"Really? Saeran was on his motorcycle when I saw them, it looked like he was dropping him off"

"Why would Saeran drop him off? They're barely even friends"

"I don't know" Arielle shrugged, flipping her hair slightly. "You tell me, or do you not believe me?"

"I- I don't know" He stammered.

"What reason would I have to lie?"

"You don't have a reason to lie I know but it all just doesn't make sense"

"Well everyone has secrets you know, even Yoosung"

Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Unsure how to fully grasp everything said he hesitated to get up to transition to his next class. He'd never experienced so much shock at once.

"Anyway," Arielle sighed. "I'll see you after school. Let's meet by the front"

"Sure" The redhead agreed blindly, standing up to collect his things.

Arielle kissed him on the cheek and left as though nothing had happened, leaving him to deal with what he'd just heard. Temporarily shaking the doubts and jumbled thoughts in his head, Saeyoung threw away their lunches before heading to his last class.

Once classes ended he rushed to find Yoosung. They definitely needed to talk. Finding him wasn't hard, they knew each other well enough to guess. Frantically jogging to their lockers, he approached Yoosung, taking a moment to catch his breath before speaking.

"Hey, where were you during lunch?"

Yoosung's lavender eyes widened. "I was..working on a project"

"We don't have any projects, the semester is almost over"

"It's extra credit"

"Why didn't you at least tell me first? I was worried you know"

"I didn't think about it..sorry and I can't hang out with you today..I have..a thing "

"A thing?" He repeated.

"It's nothing, I'll call you later" Yoosung replied before beginning to walk toward the school entrance while the red-head followed close behind anxiously.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"I said it's nothing relax"

"I can't relax!" Saeyoung snapped once they got outside.

Yoosung stared at him wide-eyed as he finally stopped walking, turning to look at his friend. He didn't expect Saeyoung to raise his voice like that and the situation was starting to make him nervous. Saeran was waiting for him and noticed the commotion just as Arielle and the other students nearby did.

"We're supposed to be friends! Why are you keeping things from me?"

"Stop yelling, you'll make a scene. Can't we just talk later?"

"Why later? I-" He paused once he noticed Saeran watching them. The other's arms were folded as he stood on the curb by his motorcycle and waited. "Is Saeran waiting for you?"

"Why would he-"

"Tell me the truth"

Yoosung took a step back and turned to look at Saeran who only raised an eyebrow in response since he couldn't hear their conversation. I can't tell him like this.

"I'm sorry"

With that Yoosung ran to Saeran while Saeyoung watched them in disbelief, exchanging few words before driving off together on the latter's motorcycle. People who had been watching the argument went back to what they were doing, discussing what they'd seen as they passed by. Running his hand through his hair, the redhead groaned, everything he'd known was suddenly appearing to be false.

Arielle walked up to him, grimacing as she let out a sigh. "I tried to tell you that something was going on between those two. Who needs Yoosung anyway right?"

"He's my best friend"

"A real friend doesn't keep big secrets from someone they care about, especially not ones that huge"

"But why-"

"Don't worry about why for now. Let's just go somewhere so you can forget about everything. You can confront Yoosung once you've collected your thoughts" She suggested.

Saeyoung sighed, she was right. Chasing after Yoosung while he felt the way he did at the moment would only lead to a bigger argument and they were both bound to say things they'd regret later.  It was okay for friends to have some secrets but he always believed they didn't have any. Thinking about Yoosung lying to him once made him wonder how many times he'd done it from the beginning. He was the most genuine person Saeyoung knew, or so he thought.

I can't believe he lied to my face and ran off with my brother. Maybe my mom isn't so crazy.

"Let's go"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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