That's a picture of me, the writing on my face says Addams family, and the writing on my chest says wendsay.
My hair is normally a light blond, than got dyed brown, than dark red.My hair got dyed brown because when I was 3 years old, my leg had broken while my mom was someplace. After crying, for a long time. I started to sit there and play. I had blood gushing out if my leg, which didn't hurt at the time anymore. I soaked my hands in blood and colored my hair. Because the almost white blond it was, the blood justed mixed making a gross color. When my mother came home I was passed out from blood loss, the closest wall to me was almost covered fully in blood, and my hair was a horrid color. Blood color.
Yo wassup
KurzgeschichtenThis is where my random stuff that I dint want to post in my book goes.