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   I spent my remaining hours lying on the couch in my hotel room, staring at the ceiling. Six hours I laid there without food or drink because I feared it would just come right back up again.

   Before I knew it, a loud knocking came on the door. This is it, I thought, he's going to kill me.

   "Oh, Harley! Open the door for ol' Daddy J!" His crackling voice sung. I felt a warm tear slip out of my eye and slide down my cheek. "Harls, my doll, come on and open up!"

   I got up, my head whirling and my stomach feeling like it's about to just fall out. I went to the door and opened it, without looking through the hole. Which was my mistake.

   When I opened the door fully, Joker was standing there with sunglasses, a glass of- something, I didn't really know, he was wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts and a sun hat. He was holding a spray can.

   He sprayed whatever was in the can. It was a green cloud. I breathed it in, unknowingly, and collapsed to the floor. "Sorry my darling but you see, you mustn't know where you're going. So in the meantime, goodnight, my Harley Quinn."

   I opened my eyes to a blinding light shining in my face. "She's awake!" Thankfully, it wasn't Joker's voice. My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw two men with clown makeup on. I'm not surprised. "We need to tell the boss!" The same guy said.

   "You do it, I'll stay here." The other bloke said with a terrifying grin on his face. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and he fell forward onto my knee. Behind him stood the Clown Prince of Crime. My heart started beating faster and faster.

   "Now now, there's no need for anyone to go anywhere! The main star is here, and the show is about to start!" He laughed and put his gun back into its holster, looking me dead in the eye, "How are you, my dear Harley?"

   I kept quiet. Not that I wanted to. I couldn't speak at all. "Come on, come on! It's not like I put a gag on you, I was being nice this time!" He laughed again, "I'll try again, how are you, my dear Harley?"

   My hands shook, even when strapped to the arms of the chair I was sitting in. "I'm o-okay." My voice quivered. He came closer to me and bent down so that his face was level to my face. He waved for the other guy to leave the room, which the guy quickly did with no hesitation, and brought his other hand up to hold my face.

   He examined my face, growling like a tiger. He did this for, what felt like, forever until he snapped out of his little trance and stood up straight again. "So, Harley, do you know what I'm gonna do to your boyfriend?"
"Are you going to kill him?" I asked quietly.
"Kill him? No no no no! Don't be so absurd! I'm not gonna kill him. You're gonna kill him."

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