Part 1 - Vampires in Venice

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This is supposed to be an alternate ending to Bitten when Destiny kills Renz, hope you like it and thanks for reading! :)

After I took Renz's hand and he pulled me out of the tent he lead me into the woods. I was breathing hard trying to calm myself down. Renz isn't the Restorer, there is no time. If I don't let this happen i'll end up crazy and insane. I'm doing this for my family. Am I? 

Renz took me to a cliff overlooking the lake. On the far side I could see where the small pier was that Ari wanted me to go to. I see him there. I can here his slow steady breaths, his blood pumping through his veins. I loved him, but im keeping him safe by staying far away from him. Far, far away. 

My human life is going to be gone forever. Im not going to graduate, im not going to have a family, im not going to see my friends ever again, or my home. I tried to concentrate on something other than the fact that im about to be turned into a full flegged vampire. 

"Are you ready my love?" Renze turned to me and pulled me close to him. "Im ready." I sighed shaking. Renz tilted me back and I fixed my gaze on the full autumn moon. Death, the moon was my death. Renz kissed my neck making a chill run up my spine. I closed my eyes thinking of my family. A pain errupted in my neck making me scream. The pain subsidded and I was dizzy. I went completely limp in Renz's arms. He held me tightly and made sure there was barley enough blood left in me. He gently lay me on the ground and bit into his own arm. The dark red liquid came rushing out. He tilted my head up and brought his arm to my mouth. "Drink, and we can be together for eternity." He said as I took ahold of his arm and sank my fangs into it. Everything inside me wanted this at this moment. I knew it was wrong and I knew that if I were normal I would never do this. 

I felt myself getting stronger, more powerful. The things I felt before were nothing compare to the things that I felt now. I was invincible. Immortal. Renz pulled away from me. I needed more, now. "Please, im so hungry, I need more." I stood walking toward him. My mouth and chest were covered in blood. "My love, you have returned to me. I've waited so long." He pulled me against his body and kissed me deeply. I was so high with bloodlust I entangled my fingers in his long dark hair and pulled. A throaty groan escaped his lips. My body was hot all over. Everything in my body burned and wanted to explode. 

Renz picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked toward a tree and pushed me against its trunk. I moaned when I hit it. As he pushed against me kissing me, I could feel his erection against me. I knew if I didn't stop this would turn into something else. "Not here Renz. Not now." I said turning my head as he kissed my neck. "I've waited so long for this moment, but your wish is my command." He put me back on the ground and kissed my forehead. 

Just then there was a rustle in the bushes. My dad came through followed by a group of boys from my school. One of them shone a flashlight in my eyes making me gasp. "Dad?" I yelled. "Im not your father anymore. You aren't living are you?" He screamed back. Renz stood in front of me blocking there path. "I will not let you take her from me again." He yelled back at them. 

The group of hunters walked toward us pushing us closer and coser to the cliff. I knew if I didn't think of something quick Renzo and I would both die. "I loved you dad, im so sorry, I did this to protect you and Mikey and Livvy." I grabbed onto Renzo's arms pulling him backwards closer to the cliff, slowly so the hunters wouldnt notice. "Your sister is dead. She decided her own fate when she gave up her life." One of the boys said. My heart sank. Livvy, my twin, was dead? Renzo was about to advance toward them when I grabbed onto his arms and ran to the cliff, he followed running as well. "They're trying to escape!" my dad screamed running after us as well. "Renzo jump!" I shouted not letting go of him. 

I felt weightless falling through the air. I closed my eyes wanting this all to be over. Maybe it's just a horrible dream? Maybe i'll wake up in my bed at home, warm under the covers, and sit up and my sister be at her makeup table putting on her usual raccoon eyes that everyone loved so much. My mom would be downstairs cooking breakfast. Everything back to normal. This isn't a dream. This is my cold hard reality. Im dead. Im a vampire. Nothing is ever going to be the same again. As we splashed into the freezing cold water I blacked out, maybe from bloodloss, maybe from shock, or terror. Maybe I won't wake up. 

Sunlight was burning my eyes. I groaned and stood to cover the source of light. Two huge glass doors were open letting the warm sun into the room. The air was fresh and clean. I breathed it in. Wait, where am I? I turned facing the room. A huge king sized bed draped with white flowing curtains and covered in huge fluffy white blankets sat in front of me. The room was beautiful and ornate. It was covered in creames and golds, it was so calming. There were flowers on every surface and the room smelt so fresh. I looked in the bed and Renz was there, shirtless fast asleep with his arm over his face. He looked so peaceful and elegant. I closed the doors and the curtains. It was still bright in the room but not as bright. 

I looked down at myself, I was in a silk nightgown that went all the way to my feet. There was a slit all the way up the right side to my hip so when I walked my whole leg was exposed. It was tied at the waist with a silk gold ribbon. It was beautiful. It made me smile. Has Renz been taking care of me? And what day is it?

I walked over to the bed and looked down at him. He was so handsome. For some reason, I feel differently for him now, even before he was charming especially  when he kissed me at the summer camp, but its different almost like words can't explain. Im attached to him in some mysterious way. My thoughts were inerrupted when I felt a warm hand on my hip. He pulled me closer to the bed and a small noise escaped my lips. 

"Come to bed my love." Was all I heard in my head. Did he just speak to me without using his mouth? I climbed ontop of him and he sat up. He was so warm, he smelt so intoxicating, so safe. He put his hands on my face and gently kissed me. I couldn't look away from his deep brown eyes. He was so sexy and muscular. Something from inside me lurched forward and I pulled his face to mine kissing him deeply, our tounges exploring each others mouths, dancing beautifully. 

He groaned making me quiver when I pulled on his hair. Once again my body was on fire, and Renz is my flame. He grabbed the hair at the nape of my neck and pulled backward so I was facing the ceiling. He trailed kissed from my jawline to my neck then to the top of my breasts. He was so strong and was holding me so tightly against him. I pulled against his grasp of my hair. I wanted him, craved him, I need him now. What is happening to me? 

(Im going to continue as soon as I can.. I have exams coming up and Its cram week lol, sorry for the wait loves. im trying my best!)  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2015 ⏰

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