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"Manong!" Len shouted at the blonde 19 year old that just took her paper.

Her essay due the next day ad she was really annoyed. Len followed him to the living room where he was sitting down crossed legged with an amused look on his long face.

Len stood in front of him and put her hand out.

"Give it." She said sternly.


"Its mine."

"Hey Bryan!" Jack called out to one of the boys in the same room watching TV. "Should I give it back?"

"Its up to you, man." He replied, not bothering to look up.

"You heard him." Jack replied teasingly.

"His opinion does NOT matter!" If anything, Len was furious. She looked ready to kill with her face turning beet red. "Now give it back or I SWEAR TO THE HEAVENS I WILL MURDER YOU!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Jack gave her back the essay and put his hands up in mock defeat. "Okay, okay. No need for overreaction." He pursed his lips.

Len lowered his eyes at him and retreated to her shared bedroom.

A few minutes later, two girls carrying plastic bags came into the house to find the three boys watching sports.

"Micho." Joceline called the brown haired boy.

He looked up with innocent brown eyes.

"Help me put these in the cupboard please." She said with a smile.

He nodded and immediately did as told with the other girl, Beatrice, helping too.

Joceline, the second oldest of the group, took her ponytail off and shook her puffy brown hair and removed her glasses. She sat down with Mark and Bryan with a glass of water in her hand.

"So, is Len finished with her essay yet?" She asked them.

"Maybe, yeah." Jack answered mindlessly.

She sighed, "I'll go check." She said under her breath as she left for the bedrooms.

Joceline knocked on the brown door until she heard a faint reply. "Come in." Was heard before a series of sighs.

She came in and saw the just-woken-up maknae perched on the bed, hugging her pillow tightly.

She could also see a neat folder on the foot of the bed labeled "essay"

"Hey Len, you done?" She asked softly. It took a moment for the younger one to snap back to reality and reply.


"What should we do tonight then?"

"I don't know... Sleep? Maybe?" She asked.

Then, Beatrice came in as Joceline was about to reply.

"Practice." She announced. "Coach texted me that we're gonna have practice later."

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