Chapter 8- Logan

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Chapter 8- Logan's POV

Cole growls as I watch Seb escort Anna to English. He doesn't like being away from her, I feel the same.

Follow Mate, He growls impatiently.

I can't, I reply, she doesn't know me yet and I might freak her out even more than I have already.

By this time, I've made it to Chemistry and I collapse down on the seat. I'm starting to formulate a plan to get to know Anna better, when one of me sentries sounds an alarm via mindlink.

What is it?! I bark, dangerously overprotective now Anna is in my life.

Rouges sighted on the border Alpha, the sentry reports.

How many? Questions Carter.


Ten?! Cries of the number echo through the shared link. We've never had this many rouges on our land before. Something is definitely wrong.

Quiet. I command.

Warriors I want patrols stat. Concentrate on the borders but I want groups patrolling all schools with cubs attending. They must be protected.

With that I get up to leave and coordinate with Carter. I bump into Seb in the hallway.

"Alpha?" He questions, awaiting orders.

"You're in charge of patrols here. No rouge is to get near her." I order, making it clear Anna is to be protected.

"Shouldn't we move her?" He asks.

"No, I don't want to scare her. Protect her from afar. Anna's day has to seem normal."

"Sir", he nods and runs off to coordinate with his men.

I turn to Carter who has just appeared.

"Where have you been? I question.

"Organising protection for the Luna. I was trying to find out more about her but what little info there is seems fake."

"What?" I ask, in disbelief.

"Yeah, the address is bogus, as is her school history. I know she's from England but that's slightly suspicious. Anyway, that's for another time, let's get rid of these rouges."

With that we both change, letting our wolves burst free from our bodies. And set off to the borders to protect our pack.


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