It's so hard.
It's hard to know how it is and how it stays - I hope just for a while.
You don't know how i'm feeling, it's a little of hate, sadness, tiredness, madness and so on .. but the badest is this empty heart i have.
It grows to a frozen heart. No feelings, no Happiness, Nothing .
I never had this situation before, and i hope this was the last time, but i don't think so.
I can't stand it. I don't know how i can bring my hate away or out of my soul .. I let it out on my body .. my arms.
Their cuted. Not much, but it's enough.
This one Boy makes me do thousands of mistakes. I can't see any reason to live by this way .
- I Won't and i Can't .
My tears roll down, down and down. There are many tears, verry sad tears with no hope inside.
They fall down like stones, so heavy and so fast.
It's surprising how just some words can change your life. Sometimes in a good way, but now in a bad way .
Let me know .. do you know some of this points ?
- a girl tells me her mind & i wrote it down here :-)
Words of her Mind
Short StoryEine 'Kurzgeschichte' auf Englisch, ich hoffe sie gefällt euch trotzdem. - Wahre 'Geschichte' :-) Viel Spass <3