A surprise visitor in the woods

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~Y/n pov~

what should I do?




"How do I know that this isn't a trick?" I said skeptically, but quickly.

Bill Just laughed a loud, shrill, Maniac laugh.

"Seriously Honey? , I'm just asking for a date and...perhaps you can get your fathers memories back..."He said Tauntingly.

I raised an eyebrow "Perhaps? , what do you mean PERHAPS?!"I said my voice raising, I realised something...This is a trick...its all in the way he states his sentence.

"Okay, well ya see honey ,I gave you this offer 5 minutes ago and I've grown very tiresome of this...so I'm Gonna offer you this deal, 'one.last.time.' and think about it...you'll have a happy family...your dad will finally Move back in with your mom...last chance' He said as the blue flames around his arm glowed brighter.

Why me?

It's not like I asked to have a dad that is...insane.

It"s not like I chose to have an insane dad.

Why me?!

So...maybe I can finally have a normal family.

No more lying.

And my mother will be so happy...

Well...I suppose it's only one date.

I stepped forward towards Bill's outstretched hand, as he was waiting to take the deal.

Then I suddenly heard a different voice "STOP!" and I was tackled to the ground.

I then saw that it was Dipper who yelled stop and he tackled me to the ground, so he was kinda on top of me.

I shifted my focus to the left and noticed that Bill had disappeared.

"What were you thinking?"Dipper asked, clearly worried.

"Um...could you get off of me?"I asked.

He sighed,"Not until you tell me about the deal that he was Trying to make with you "

"Where's Mabel?"I asked, trying to buy some time to think up a lie.

"At the shack, Stop avoiding the subject" He said.

"Okay...I'll tell you, but can you please get off of me first... as I'm claustrophobic and I feel like I can't breath well" I lied.

"Oh...your claustrophobic ? , I'm so sorry , I didn't know" He stood up, offering me his hand which I gladly accepted.

He pulled me up so that we were both now standing.

"Now tell me about the deal that he was trying to make you " Dipper said.

"Um...well...funny story actually...um..."

Oh. no!

what am I going to do?!

Dipper sighed and closed his eyes, he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Stop stalling and tell me the truth" He replied looking at me with those brown eyes.

~Y/n pov~

The truth.

The truth....

I'm so scared...what if Dipper abandons me?

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now