i just don't care anymore. i care about you as a person, sure. i always will. but not as my person.
i no longer feel butterflies in my stomach when you text me, only confusion.
your life no longer impacts me; there is no "us."
i will always miss you a little; i will miss the person i first met. but that was the old you, and i don't think the old you is coming back.
i never fantasized about having your last name next to mine or scribbled it into the margins of my notebook, and maybe that says something about the future we never really had together.
each day i find myself thinking of you less and less and maybe one day i won't think about you at all.
the human skin replenishes every 27 days. My mind remembers you, my heart remembers you, but my skin has never met you. it has never felt your hand on it while you laughed at one of my jokes. it has never felt you dig your fingers into my neck when you tried to keep me. i don't think it ever will, and that's ok with me.now you're not my sun, i don't need you to survive anymore.
i'm over you, and it feels so good.
this book ends here cause i'm not into him anymore. ;)