The Island of Nietyn//Part 1

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One shot #3 Part 1

Quick A/N: Hiiii :) this is kind of carrying on from the last one shot where moana and maui set sail for abit it's not connected to the last one shot just know that it's the same scene but diffeerent concept if that makes sense xox

Maui's POV
We've been sailing for about 2 hours and honestly I have no clue where we are going. But what I know is that I'm here with my love. I sit at the end of the canoe watching Moana as she sleeps peacefully. Maybe that sounded a bit too creepy but she's so cute. Especially when she sleeps. That sounded even creepier. Okay okay I'll stop. She woke up to the sound of waves crashing and looked at me.
"How was your beauty sleep, Princess?"
"Great" she smiles
"Look!" She points.
In the far distance I can see a familiar island. Though I cannot figure out where I have seen it before.
We reach the shore and Moana springs up from the boat rocking it sideways as I almost fall off
"Wow be careful, Curly"
She giggles and extends an arm out to help me back up.
We stopped at this island to pick up some fruits as we are running out and need some supplies to go back to Motunui.
"Hey Maui look at all of those people over there!"
As she says that an arrow comes shooting right in front of us.
Of course! It's the tribe of Nietyns. The last time I was here (which was about 30 years ago) they did not give me a warm welcome.
"Moana get down!" I shout
"Maui I'm scared, what's happening!?"
"Quick get in the canoe Moana!"
They shoot arrows with rope on them to pull it closer. Almost like the Kakamora did on our journey to Te Fiti. Although the tribe's arrows were much stronger. I couldn't get them out!
"Oh no! My hook" they chucked another arrow to collect my hook!
Our boat pulls closer and closer back to their island. The tribe throws us out of it as their chief tells them to do. He orders for us to be chained up.

Moana's POV

What are we going to do? What did we even do wrong? Maui and I are being chained up as they bounce us around like a basketball.
"Maui I'm scared" I whisper and tears flooding my face.
"Its going to be okay I promise"
"SILENCE! Else both of you will be spending the rest of your worthless lives in Pokalat!"
What the hell is a Pokalat? I mean, it sounds scary.
"So, what brings you here AGAIN?"
Wait what?! Maui was here before? Who with? Why? He chuckles and gestures to Maui as he runs his finger up and down my chest, tears are trickling.
"DON'T TOUCH HER!" Maui shouts.
"What are you going to do about it? Oh yes! Nothing! Just like you done nothing when the love of your life was being tortured 30 years ago"
He laughs.
The love of his life? 30 years ago? My sympathy levels rises for Maui. I can see his tears but he tries to fight them.

Maui's POV
My blood is boiling so much! How dare he put his filthy hands on my princess and. And bring up Alaini"

QUICK A/N: So basically Maui had romance with a demi-goddess 30 years ago. They sailed to The island of Nietyn (which I totally made up). Maui was locked up in a cave and the love of his life was tortured to her death.

Moana's POV

"Lead him to the cave and chain him to the pole" He says
"I will deal with the girl" He smirks.
"MOANA! NO!" I hear Maui shouting.
He indicated for me to follow him and I refuse. He takes out his whip and whips me as hard as he can. Pain travels though all of my body and I whine in pain. I can see a massive whip scar on my leg. Maui looks broken. Absolutely shattered.
"Follow me NOW! Or else he is dead"
He screams at me. I follow his instruction and walk behind him, still chained.

A/N: OK so I had some inspiration to do a dark theme based one shot. WARNING! In the next part there will be acts of sexual abuse and maybe even rape! I will also mention it at the start of the next part.

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