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Chase was sneaking down the dimly lit hallway toward a closed door. As he reached the door he reached out his paw to turn the knob when something fell on him. Chase immediately rolled to his side and tried to face his would be attacker. Chase's muzzle was shoved roughly into the floor and his paws were quickly tied together. The weight of the attacker lifted off of him. An evil snicker was heard throughout the hallway and the lights suddenly came on as the other pups rushed from their bedrooms.

"When are you two going to grow up?" yawned Zuma as he stepped from his room.

"Very funny Rocky" whimpered Chase "Now let me up"

"Admit that you're never going to catch me" laughed the pup as he reached down and unlocked the straps from around Chase's paws.

"Aw, sweetie" said Skye as she helped Chase up "You'll catch him tomorrow, I'm sure."

Chase stood and turned to Rocky "Do you even sleep anymore?"

"Not much" Rocky said extending his paw to shake Chase's.

"Guy's it's been a year now" said Marshall joining the group "What gives?"

"It's always a good time to be training" said Chase "You never know when something might happen."

"That's right" agreed Rocky "When you let yourself get soft you end up tied up on the floor."

"That's Rig..." Chase trailed off as he realized what Rocky had just said "That's It! I'll show you who's got soft." Chase dropped to all four and growled.

Rocky did the same and then they lunged for each other. Chase growling and Rocky immediately began laughing uncontrollably as Chase rolled him over and began tickling Rocky. In an instant Zuma jumped into the fray.

"Marshall!" yelled Skye over the ruckus "You know what to do."

Marshall nodded "Water Cannon!" water began dousing the trio.

"Ehhh! Wet! Wet! Wet!" yelped Rocky

"Break it up you guys" came a voice down the hall. It was Ryder from the kitchen. "Clean up and get to the kitchen, breakfast is almost ready."

The pups all separated into their rooms, three to dry off.

Skye rolled her eyes and walked into the room her and Chase now shared. They had married shortly after the whole Humdinger Incident had been closed. Chase had gone back to FBI and finished becoming a full agent. Upon his return he immediately asked Skye who of course said yes. The wedding has been as small as Mayor Goodway would allow but of course the whole town came.

For the first few months Zuma wouldn't let Rocky out of his sight. He eventually eased up. Rocky had devoted a large amount of his time working to improve the pups response vehicles with new technology and increased abilities. When he wasn't working on something he was reading and studying.

Marshall and Everest were officially dating but it had not progressed yet although it was obvious to everyone else that Everest was ready to take it to the next level.

Zuma was officially working part time with Capt. Turbot he really enjoyed with world of Marine Biology and never stopped wanting to know more. He had lost a lot of his silly ways as he grew, he was well on his way to being a responsible dog now.

Rubble had become an Engineering student and was learning more and more about construction. He hoped to have a construction company soon.

Marshall and Chase had started an academy and were now teaching others how to someday follow in their paw prints.

Katie had begun college to become a licensed Veterinarian. She was breezing through most of her course work. When she comes home on the weekends her and Ryder spend every moment together.

After everyone had cleaned up they met in the kitchen and shared breakfast. They discussed their plans for the day as they ate then began cleaning up.


Daniel hung up the secured line in his office.

"Mr. Smith again?" asked Lyons from the door.

Daniel nodded as he looked the new orders he had received.

"Got a order for more listening devices and pinhole cameras" said Daniel handing the paper over to Lyons.

"That makes 25 orders from him alone in the last two months" said Lyons as he read the document. "Something up?"

"You know Smith" laughed Daniel "He's not one for sharing much information."

"You ever think we'd have grown this much in just a year?" asked Lyons handing the paper back.

In the last year Daniel, Lyons and Nero had started their security business. They had decided the name "Ghost Security" was very fitting. Rocky had come through on occasion to offer suggestions and look for weaknesses in their designs. It had been a while since they had had to ask him for help. Rocky was great for quickly teaching his ideas and they just made it work.

Lyons had become one of the best Cyber Security consultants ever, he had gone on several excursions as he liked to call it. He never spoke about who he was with only that it was a legitimate client and he would bring gifts. He always seemed to return with the most up to date computers, gadgets, and ideas.

Ghost Security had a dozen or more corporate clients but their biggest was through the gentleman known only as Mr. Smith. The joke among the guys was that he worked for the Men in Black but if they had to take a guess it was actually the CIA. The business was doing great to say the least.

The door opened and a delivery guy walked to the counter. Nero turned from his computer, "Can I help you?"

"Delivery for a Daniel" said the guy.
"I can take that" said Nero
"No can do, it says into his hands only" apologized the delivery guy.
"I'm Daniel" said Daniel stepping from the back.
The delivery guy slowly handed the package to Daniel watching. Daniel eyed him suspiciously.
"Is there something I should know" taking the package. It instantly beeped and the label on the package turned green.
Breath rushed out of the guy, "No, I guess not"
"What's that supposed to mean" asked Daniel.
"The package Positively ID'ed you, thanks" the guy turned to walk out.
"Hey, who do you work for" asked Nero.
"Her" the guy smirked as he walked out.
Nero and Daniel just looked at each other.

Tough Dawgs - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now