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Morning broke and Holtz woke up in Erin's bed for the first time. The bed was warm and the pillows smelled like Erin, which Holtz liked. She took a moment to let last night sink in, but she didn't want to get over how amazing it was. She turns over to where Erin was sleeping with a smile, but she wasn't there. Erin's side of the bed was bare but still warm from her touch. Holtz was slightly startled and looked around the room longingly but all that was in sight was the carnage of her clothes that litter the floor. But her eyes draw to the light seeping beneath the ensuite door, there was a fine line of steam emerging through the light. Holtz walked over, without considering how naked she was and put her fingers on the door handle. Her fingers clasp around it and gently twists until she hears it click. Opening the door she could hear the sound of pelting water and the heat of the steam greeted her with a pleasant scent. She looked around the door to see Erin in the shower, only dressed in water droplets and her back was towards Holtz. Holtz smiled and bit her lip and could already feel a cruel longing for Erin. Holtz slipped into the shower silently behind Erin and slid her hands past Erin's waist onto her stomach. Erin let out a moan and lent her head against Holtz.
"I am sorry", Holtz said, "but you looked so good and I am terrible at not touching you." Erin felt like she could fall into Holtzmann's arms and never come back.
"I can wash myself you know?"
"But it's so much sexier when I do it." Replied Holtz. She spun Erin around by her waist so that her lips where just a fraction of an inch away from hers. Leaning her head to the right Holtz clasped lips with Erin's. Holtzmann's hand pushed Erin's wet hair behind her ears as the kissed and pulled each other close.
"Oh yeah so much sexier when you do it" , Erin agreed and they kissed. Tongues intertwined and this made Erin feel safe, it would make anyone feel safe. Being held so tightly in Holtzmann's tender yet muscular arms. Erin loved Holtzmann's arms; the way they flowed into her elbows, rounded off into her forearm and then ran into her slim wrist (which were normally decorated with a watch or a FitBit.) But her fingers were undoubtably the best. The way her fingers focused into her work with wires and pliers, the way they operated, the way the felt, on Erin or in Erin. Gilbert appreciated any contact she had with Jillian, it brought her peace. There were so many things she wants to know about Holtz: Where did she come from? Who are her family? Does she even have family? How was she educated? Has she always been gay?
But at this point in time Erin couldn't bring herself to ask any of those things she was fixated by Holtzmann's hands and where they were traveling. Holtz pressed Gilbert against the tiled walls of the shower, the tiles were cold against her back but Holtz made her hot. Holtzmann was kissing Erin, it was aggressive kissing but Erin liked the dominance. Holtzmann's hands clasped Erin's hips and worked upwards against her sides pausing at her chest to caress her breasts. She moved her hands to Erin's shoulders and pushed both of her hands upwards.
"Keep your hands there", Holtz whispered deeply into Erin's ear, she but her earlobe gently and kissed her neck as she locked her fingers in Erin's hands which were held at head height. "I want to do so many things to you, I don't know where to start"
"Do everything then, I want to feel you do everything to me. Give me your everything", Erin's instructions were clear and arousing. Her eyes focused on  Holtzmann's deep blue pools and her soft delicate lips.
"Where had this Erin been for the past year?" Erin just shrugged with a smile. "I don't even care - just never take her away from me." Holtz said, as she kissed her.
"Love me," Erin paused, "that is all I ask of you." Holtz stared at her, confused by Erin's tears.
"Why are you crying?"
"I just never want this to end."
"It doesn't have to." Holtz replied and gently touched Erin's chin as they kissed again. "I want to fuck you Erin."
"Then fuck me Holtz."
Holtzmann scattered with harsh kisses all over Erin's body. Once again linking her fingers into Erin's. Kissing down her neck, her kisses were sloppy as she licked the water droplets of Erin's body, they were warm and soft in her mouth but Holtz only cared about Erin's flesh, not that that decorates it.  She stroked Erin's arms as she brought her hands to her hips. Holtzmann moved her mouth from Erin's neck to her collar bones and traced the middle of her chest. She paused and swiped her tongue over each nipple.
"Ugh." Erin moaned and raised her chest pushing herself further onto Holtzmann.
"Fuck - I love hearing you moan." Holtz commented with a smile and a slight tilt of her head.
"Then make me moan." Erin instructed with her eyes closed and head held back. This motivated Holtz, she got to work straight away. Holtz right hand moved down to Erin's lower back and drew it around to her thigh, tracing it with the top of her finger teasingly before going to Erin's clit. Her left hand stayed on her hip while the right made eddy, tight circles in her clit. Erin's legs trembled. At this point it was clear - it wasn't the water of the shower that made Erin moist - it was who was in there with her. Holtz pushed two fingers into Erin while playing with her clit with her thumb. "Holtz," Erin paused breathing deeply her chest expanding and compressing violently, "I want you to make me moan." Holtz looked up at Erin with a devilish smile and became entranced by Erin's command.
"Hold on." Holtzmann instructed
"What-" Erin was shocked but overcame by Holtzmann's actions as she removed her fingers and threw her hands under Erin's thighs which made a subtle clap. With a firm grip she raised Erin so that her legs were around Jillian's shoulders. Erin was stunned and scoured the wall to get a grip on something, she settled for a water pipe. Holtzmann was strong, strong enough to take Erin's weight while eating her out. The vibrations coming off Erin's legs onto Holtzmann's shoulders only further motivated her to go harder. Despite the height which Erin was being held she was not afraid as Holtzmann clasped her and did not want to let go. Holtzmann's tongue was warm against Erin's clit. She moaned, multiple times, repeatedly actually. It was so hot, the water, the steam, the feel of Holtz on Erin - it was so fucking hot. Erin's right hand clung to the water pipe while her left moved to Holtzmann's hair, her fingers wrapped deeply into Holtzmann's her blonde damp curls. She pulled on Jillian's hair sharply and violently, the jolt made Holtz moan. She broke away her mouth from Erin, "you going to have to pay for that!" She stated with a smile.
"Prove it." Erin commanded. Only making Holtzmann's smile grow. She placed her tongue back on Erin's clit, her lips created a seal and she sucked on Erin as she moaned. The circular motions continued as she pressed two fingers into Erin, curling them slightly. She loved them in and out at the perfect pace, encouraging more moans from Erin. The pace quickened and so did the vibrations emerging from Erin's thighs. "Fuck - fuck - fuck." Erin said this a lot before orgasm. Holtz wanted to look up and watch her cum - she loved how Erin came. The way her whole body moved, how she bit her lower lip slightly, how her muscles tensed for one last time, how her trembling legs slowed as she relaxed. But she couldn't watch, she wanted to make Erin orgasm. "I am going to cum, Holtz. I am coming." She broke away to respond.
"Show - don't tell." Erin smiled as Holtz made her orgasm. Throwing her head back and tugging on her hair. Holtzmann separated her mouth from Erin but her hand remained to calm Erin from her orgasm. "You are so sexy when you cum", Holtz said. "You are sexy at work, or just before you wake, after you wake, when you fall into a tender sleep, also you are sexy like all the time."
"Shut up Holtz", Erin replied. "Shut up, put me down and kiss me into our infinity." Holtzmann slid Erin from her shoulders, down so that her legs were wrapped around her back, until she placed her feet onto the drenched floor of the shower. Holtz grasped her tightly around her waist. Erin's hands began to wonder, she reached to Holtzmann's inner thigh and crept up.  "Wow - you came from just doing that?"
"What can I say? You complete me ghost girl."
"I proudly take that title." They kissed while Erin's hand stimulated Holtz to cool down slightly. "I love you Holtz."
"Out of all your big ideas, Erin, this was your best one."
Holtzmann's hand landed on the shower knob and turned off the water.
"That was the longest and best shower I have taken." Erin said.
"Let me help you dry off?" Erin didn't protest. Holtz grabbed a towel and began to dab Erin dry, with each stoke she would follow it by a dry kiss.
"Can I drive you home?"
"I would love that - will you stay for coffee?"
"Of course" Erin said, "that would be wonderful thank you"

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