The Letter

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FROM: Wyatt Enslow

TO: Tom Raines


Dear Tom

I dont know when you will get this letter, but I hope that when it does get to you, you will truely understand what I'm trying to say, and how I mean it.

So I guess you are wondering how the trip is going so far... It's fine I guess. We are going to pass Pluto in a few days, so im kind of nerveous, but it's exciting too! Other than that, everything is normal, me and Medusa (she insists I still call her that) are just waiting out the time.

Ok, Tom I've been beating around the bush for long enough, and i dont know if I'll even end up sending this letter, and if medusa gets ahold of it... well you can probably guess what would happen then.

Tom, I have a confession. I know that i told you before that I had a crush on you, and that I got over it, and was happy for you and medusa, but in my heart, I know, and have always known that I will never get over you. Tom I want the best for you, I really do, but I also have to be true to my emotions. Tom, I really want to strangle Medusa sometimes, I know it would hurt you, but I really do want to. I feel jealous of her Tom, you're such a good person, always trying to to what's best, and I know that you'll probably have some amazing response to this letter that will make everything better, but I just wish that she didnt exist Tom, I wish that she wasnt here, that you and I could be together.

I know it's bigger than just us, that if she didnt exist, then none of us would be here and all that. I know that Yuri likes me, and yes, I do like him too, but Tom, I like you more. for a while i thought that I liked Yuri more, but that day when you asked medusa to be your girlfriend, I swear i spent at leats 6 hours in the bathroom crying.

I'm really sorry that i had to tell you like this, when we're so far away from eachother, but I just felt the urge to say something, and having nothing else to do, I just started to write.

I don''t know why I write these letters. I've written one every day since I've been o this ship. Tom, if i send this to you, and you get it, please don't turn me down, Please don't.

Your loving female-friend (hopefully we can change that "female" to "girl" some day)

Wyatt Enslow.


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