chapter 4: The Dinner Party

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We arrive at his parents house and there was a lot of people.

"I thought this was just going to be your family"

"Nope my family has a lot of friends and some I don't know" I looked around and I end up seeing my dad's car.

"I wonder why my dad and mom is here"

"They're here I wonder why"we walk up and he rings the bell and his dad open's it I swear I've seen him before.

"Son you're here and who is this did he bribe you to come"

"No he didn't and I'm Madison Gomez"

"Oh yes your parents are in the kitchen talking to my wife and son I need to talk to you in private"

"Ok"I go off to the kitchen and find my parents


"What do you want"

"Why did you buy our friends daughter"

"I didn't know they were our friends and they said they couldn't afford her anymore"

"They could afford to have three more kids even though they already have two"

"Well that's what she told me and her daughter said that is what her mom said too"

"Fine have fun with your slut because she had a boyfriend for three years and they were engaged"

"No one told me this"

"Cause she called it off before she walked into the house even him and his parent's are here"


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