Chapter Two/ POV: Sarah

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My name is Sarah Steele, as you've read, I am new to this school. Let me tell you about my dreaded life. My dad died when I was 12, he was the only person I really could connect to in my family. When he died, our whole family fell apart. My mom became an alcoholic, my brother, Will,  started hanging around the wrong people. Me, I just lost it on the inside. I became depressed. I started harming myself and I even tried to commit suicide. Just three months ago, my mom died. She overdosed on prescription medications. I don't really have anyone now. I moved here because of my brother. He thought we needed to leave the environment that brought so much grief. Personally, I agree with him. But that's me. Sarah Steele. Here's the story of Wesley High.

"Wake up Sarah, it's your first day of school." Will said.
"No." I pulled my blankets over my head. He left my room and turned on the shower.
"It was that easy?" I thought to myself. I was wrong. He came back 10 minutes later.
"Get up, Sarah." He said, annoyed. I acted like I was snoring, very dramatically of course.
"I didn't want to do this, but you gave me no choice." He picked me up and ran into the bathroom, and dropped me in the freezing cold shower.
"What the fuck, dude!" I yelled at Will. He was laughing, when he saw me, he tried not to laugh, but failed.
"Get ready for school." He said, laughing. So I got ready for school.

When he dropped me off to the school, I had to wait in the office for like 20 minutes. A guy who looked my age, with his hair in a bun, opened the office door.
"Adam? You're back already?" The office lady said. "You broke that kid's jaw!"
"Yes, I'm back," he said while taking off his jacket "could we refrain from talking about that?"
"Sorry." The office lady said.
"It's all good." Adam said back. After "Adam" left, it took another 10 minutes before they gave me everything I needed. My first hour was English, but I had already missed that. My second hour was.... Math. I cannot stress how much I hate math. In every school I've been in, I always seem to fail math. Math is just not my strong suit. I could already tell I was going to hate this school.

When I got to math class, I saw the Adam kid. He was talking to some blond haired guy. "Must be friends" I thought. I looked back at Adam and he was just staring at me. Creepy. After class, Adam ran up to me in the halls. He said something about walking me to class. I said okay. When we got to class, there were kids in the class, they immediately went after Adam. I ran to go get someone. By the time I got back, they were all bloody, except Adam. His knuckles were really bruised though. After that class, I hadn't seen him. First day, there's a fight. This is looking like a great school.

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