Purple Memories

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 'Oh... The Snow Queen's children....Oh well...' Vincent thought to himself. He killed five of the Snow Queen's children. Three sons and two daughters. 'Oh but it was so exhilarating!' he let out a laughter and dropped the blood soaked sword. Vincent knew that she would send the imperial guards on his tail. "Damn... I'm going to come face to face with Scott again.." he cursed silently and walked out of the windmill. He was dangerous, and he knew it. He endangered all people who were around him, but it didn't matter. He thought of blood like wine, the feel of it on his hands, the look of it, it was all exhilarating.... He heard clopping of hooves as men on horseback were approaching near his area. He chuckled and started off into a dash for the woods, leaving a blood trail in his wake.

The temperature in his body was increasing the further he ran, and the further he ran, the more the stabbing pain was met with his ribs. His ragged breathing started to come out in hoarse coughs, slowing down his pace. "IT'S OVER VINCENT!!" a voice sounded behind him. "Scott... You found me!" He started laughing away crazily. "This is no laughing matter! You robbed the childhood of five children!" Scott wailed, holding his sword up to Vincent's face. Vincent just looked at him, and looked at him with a blank stare. "You're siding on the wrong side Scott. Besides, you wouldn't hurt me." Vincent grabbed the blade and ripped the blade out of the commander's hand, throwing it to the base of a cypress tree. Scott clung to his horse's mane and shot dagger eyes at the man, ashamed of the truth. He sighed and pointed at two suspicious rocks. "Run through those two rocks and you'll escape into the tunnel... And whatever you do... Never come back." He turned and ran back to the kingdom.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~10 years later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In the calm and quiet town of Twinleaf town, Scott lived peacefully for those five years after it happened... He has a wife, and two kids, a daughter, and a son. The son, was named Kendall, a nine year old who adores his father and his dedication to the kingdom, and his six year old daughter named Naomi, who follows in her father's footsteps. "Daddy, why do you keep that weird sword up on the roof?" Kendall said, pointing up to the rack with the same sword he used that day. "Now now children, no need to pester your father, I'm sure he'll tell you the story of the sword, now go outside and play." His wife, Camilla, said patting her husband's shoulder. "Okay mommy!" The kids said in unison, and ran out the small cottage with smiles and laughter filling their memories. 'Memories.... The Snow Queen's children....' His expression dulled and he looked down at the floor. "Scott, what is the real reason you kept that sword?" Camilla said looking at him with prying eyes. "That's.... A long story...." He said, avoiding the truth from his wife. She scoffed and walked into the kitchen, preparing lunch for her kids. Scott sighed and sat down in his rocking chair, recalling the events from that day..

'"Scott! You found me!" That sinister voice rang in his ears like a bell. Those words... "Scott you found me!" For godsake... How was he still thinking about that guy!!? He has a wife and kids! He should be able to pull through! "Scott... You're siding on the wrong side..".'

"Daddy.. Who's Vincent?" Naomi said, pulling on his sleeve. Scott snapped back to reality and looked at his beautiful daughter who had those eyes filling with curiosity. "Vincent... Was a really good.. Friend of mine.." He said, hesitating on the word friend. He never thought of Vincent as a friend, more of a well known criminal who was charged with mass murder and manslaughter of the Snow Queen's children, he never really found out why he did it, but he killed them still. "What kind of friend?" His daughter said oddly. "He was a bad friend to you Naomi, I'm glad you never met him." He said, picking up his daughter and sitting her in his lap, cradling her like he used to when she was a baby. "Scott can you come here please?" Camilla called out from the kitchen. "Coming dear!" Scott called back. He lifted his daughter from his lap and got up from the chair and walked over to the kitchen. "Scott, can you go out to the garden and grab the turnip that's in the ground, I want to use it for lunch tonight." Camilla said, pointing out in the woods. "Camilla, why did we decide to put our garden in the middle of the forest again?" He asked with a blane face. "The kids would trample all over it and pull out the vegetables when they aren't ripe for picking, if we put it in the forest, we wouldn't have to worry about the kids stepping all over them." She said with a smile at the end of her sentence. Scott laughed and grabbed the basket that his son wove for his mother, and walked out, shutting the back door behind him, and walking into the vast cypress forest that welcomed him with shadowy arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2017 ⏰

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