Chapter 1

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Running. I am running. I have to run. I cannot stop running, or I will get caught. I mustn't get caught.

Fear of capture keeps me going. I hear the footsteps behind me, slowly gaining. I pound my feet harder. I am a fugitive, and I must get back in hiding. I must get back to Jacob.

Wait, wait. I am getting ahead of myself. Let me explain. My name is Katrina Lantz. When I was sixteen, my world was destroyed. The world turned completely against us Christians. I became a fugitive, because I had no other choice. My parents had been killed, my brothers captured and thrown in prison. I hide from all authority. I only trust other believers because I know they would never betray me, just as I would never betray them. I am seventeen and a half now and have been on the run for a year and a half. I still can't believe what the world has come to.

Back in the present, fear pulsed in me. I think of Hadassah, a girl from a book, a girl with the strongest faith, and so much courage. I look around. The street is empty. I can see people cowering in their houses, afraid of me. I am almost to my Hider. She is there, four houses down. I don't hear any more footsteps behind me, but that doesn't mean anything. I sprint faster towards my friend, Linda's house.

"Hurry," she whispers, ducking me inside. Once safely out of sight, I feel relieved a bit. Thank the Lord above that Linda lived here, hidden in plain sight, so that any fleeing Christians could have a refuge, able to hide here for a little while.

"Thank you," I say, still trying to catch my breath. I look at her appreciatively.

She smiled at me, and then looked out the window. She turned back to me. "You're all clear. For now." I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

She came over and hugged me. I hugged her back. "Good to see you again. Sorry to bring all this chaos."

She laughed. "Don't worry about it. I love seeing you, and helping in any way I can. Are you hungry?" she asked.

"Starving. Haven't eaten in six days," I answered. She looked at me in alarm. "I haven't had any time. It's been chaotic busy lately. Had way too much to do."

She busied herself making me a large lunch. "Doing what, exactly?" she inquired, sounding worried.

"Getting maps, intel, and trying to get into the holding Cells to get some fellow Christians out. I just got out of them, having gotten four out. That's why I was running. I was being chased, after nearly getting caught there."

She looked at me, startled and worried. "You're lucky not to have gotten caught. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Just rattled from the chase. And..." I trailed off, hesitant to upset her more.

"And what?" she asked, looking at me again.

I wordlessly pulled up my sleeve, revealing a nasty cut, bleeding profusely. She gasped and hurriedly put down sandwich supplies.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" she cried out, rushing for a first aid kit. I felt faint, so I sat in a chair by the counter. The pain was not very present, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew that was bad. Linda ran back in and set the kit on the counter. She quickly and effectively cleaned the wound, staunched the flow of blood, and bandaged it.

After she was finished with that, she made me drink some juice to get fluids back in me. "What happened?" she demanded.

"After I had gotten the fourth person out, I was trying to sneak out again, but a guard found me. He grabbed my arm and when I twisted away, he caught me in the arm with a knife. I barely got out, then got chased until I was able to make it down this street to you."

"That all?" she asked, concerned.

"Yep. Thanks for your help. Can I stay for the night? I'll leave in the morning," I replied.

"Of course. You can stay for as long as you need. Don't worry."

"Thanks. You're the best."

She finished the sandwiches and handed three to me. I ate them quickly. The rest of the day went by in a breeze. Soon, it was time for sleep. I was exhausted beyond measure, and collapsed on the bed Linda supplied for me, falling asleep in minutes.

When I woke up, it was beginning to get light out. I needed to leave now. As much as I like Linda, and love to see and stay with her, I don't want to put her in any more danger. I jumped out of bed and grabbed my backpack. I rushed into the kitchen and saw her washing dishes. "I got to go. Sorry."

She looked up and said, "Of course. I understand. Grab the pack on that counter. It was good to see you again. You should come visit when you can." She smiled.

"Of course I will. Love you. Thanks again." I hugged her, grabbed the pack she made, and climbed out a back window near her. "Bye."

She waved at me and smiled. I smiled as I turned and ran into the forest behind her house. Once a safe distance away, I stopped to look into the pack Linda gave me. Opening it, I took out a medium-sized first aid kit, a slightly larger first aid kit, ten sandwiches in zip lock bags, four water bottles, two changes of clothes, a pair of shoes, a Bible, a notebook, two bracelets, three necklaces, a pair of earrings, five mechanical pencils, a jacket, a sweater, and a few lunchables.

I smiled and ate one of the sandwiches. I opened the notebook and saw one page filled with writing. A note. I read it quickly.

"Katrina, it was wonderful to see you again, alive and well (well, mostly well, considering your injury). I have missed you so much. Our games of make-believe were fun. I hope you fare well when you go, and come to visit me again, for longer. I found one of your necklaces a few weeks ago and have put it in your pack. You have been a wonderful friend and I hope to be the same to you. I have filled a pack with some supplies, as well as a few mementos and gifts from me. I hope they help you along the way. Be careful, please, and come back to visit sometime. Remember me, And good luck. Love, Linda."

I smiled, tears threatening. I replaced all the items from the pack, except one. My necklace, which Linda had found. I put it around my neck and clasped it, determined never to lose it again. I put my pack on my back, and then put the pack Linda gave me on my back as well.

I start walking again, making my way south to Colorado, as I was in Wyoming, near the border. I had to get to the underground refuge in a town in the north of Colorado. Jacob would be waiting for me there, so I had to hurry.

I took out my compass and made sure I was heading in the right direction. I was and so continued. Before dinnertime, I reached a town. Looking at the sign, I knew it was the right one. I stayed in the forest, climbed a tree, and rested, waiting until dark fell to sneak into the Hider underground Refuge.

I read my Bible as I waiting, having my much-needed devotion time. I read for about an hour, and then felt the air take on a chill. Being a fugitive in winter was difficult. I put my Bible away and put on the jacket Linda gave to me. It was dark blue, very good to blend in with the night, light enough that it was easy to move in and didn't weigh me down, but heavy enough to keep me warm.

I watched as the sun descended farther in the sky, making it turn a brilliant purple and dark blue. I smiled again. I love sunsets so much.

Once the sun was all the way down and dark of the night absolute, I jumped down from my branch. Darting towards the town, I kept to all the shadows I could find. My latest mission complete, I didn't want to be captured at all, even less so close to safety.

Breathing heavily, yet silently, I made it to the town. My arm started hurting, but I pressed on. I made it to a well-known Hider's house and slipped inside. Before I made it even five feet, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head. I fell to the ground, losing consciousness. I fought my fear, but it soon overtook me. What had happened? What was going on? Those were my thoughts as blackness and fear took me.

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