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"What happened?!" Namjoon asked eagerly, glancing at Yoongi.
Jin and Jimin were put in separate rooms while Namjoon and Yoongi discussed.

"I- I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know!" Namjoon whispered angrily.

"Everything just happened fast!"

Namjoon looked at Jungkook.
He was on the couch hugging a pillow tightly, his eyes red and puffy.

Namjoon sighed and plopped himself next to the child.

"Hey, uh-"

"J-jungkook" he squeaked.

"Jungkook. Can you please tell me what happened?" He asked, glaring at Yoongi who was no help whatsoever.

"Well,, Jin hyung got after us for making fun of him for having a sugar daddy-"

Namjoon cracked a smiled and chuckled.

Jungkook stared at him;Namjoon cleared his throat, "Continue"

The boy nodded and proceeded. "Then Yoongi chuckled while he was scolding at us. We knew right away that we were fucked beca-"

"jEON JUNGKOOK, DID I JUST HEAR YOU SAY A BAD WORD!" Jin screamed from the room.

Namjoon looked at Jungkook then at Yoongi, astonished.

"How did he..?" Yoongi gasped.

"NO JIN HYUNG" jungkook yelled back nervously.

"JEON. JUNG. KOOK. ARE YOU LYING TO ME?!" Seokjin shouted.

Jungkook gulped. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Jimin shouting back from the other room.


"I-I'M SORRY J-JIN HYUNG" Jungkook choked.


Namjoon and Yoongi bit their tongues to keep them from laughing.

"Ignore them, please proceed." Namjoon finally said.

Jungkook nodded his head once more.

"Jimin and I have known Jin hyung for quite sometime. We knew we were done for when Yoongi chuckled, there's two thing that triggers him when he's angry. When someone doesn't take him seriously or doesn't listen to him. So then he put us facing the corners for a billion years until he was tired of us complaining our legs were hurting. So he let us sit down and watch tv with Jin. Then Jimin hyung complained that Jin was hogging the Tv. Then he said 'Thats the stupidest drama I've ever seen in my life' and that's where the fighting began. Jimin hyung didn't realize that was one of Jin hyung's favorite k-dramas."

"Thank you, Jungkook." He got up and headed for the room Jin was in but stopped. He turned around smiled at Jungkook.

"I'll try to make Jin stop treating you like a kid"

"Oh my god, thank you!"

Namjoon chuckled and went to Jin. He opened the door; Jin was sitting on a chair facing the door with his arms crossed.

Namjoon laughed. "You look adorable babe"

Jin kept his stern look, cracking a smile seconds after.

He got up and hugged Namjoon.

"Can I go apologize to Jimin..?"

"I don't thin-" Namjoon started, but Jin was already out the door.

Jin sped walked to the room where jimin was and burst in.

"jiMIIIINNNN" Seokjin swooned while hugging the younger.

"Aish,hyung! You slap me like I was some bitch and now you're here hugging me"

Jin let go of Jimin then squished his cheeks.

"Did I ever tell you how adorable you look with such cheeks" Jin squealed.

"Yah! Hyung stop it! I forgive you I forgive you!"

"What, no. You should be the one begging for forgiveness."


" 'thats the stupidest k-drama I've ever seen in my life' " he repeated the other's words.

Jimin opened his mouth but shut it knowing Jin had a point.

"I'm sorry Jin hyung"


Jin ran to the living room screaming 'Kookie I'm so sorry' and pushing Yoongi out of the way.

Before Jungkook could run away Jin jumped on him.

"ARE YOU OKAY? DID MOMMA HURT YOU?!" He said while he checked jungkook for any signs of him hurting the boy.

"Jin-ah! I'm okay!" Jungkook giggled.


Namjoon climbed in bed with Jin.

"I'm sorry" Jin said cuddling Namjoon.

"It's fine. But I do want to talk about something with you"

"Yes..?" Jin look at the older with innocent eyes.

"It's about Jungkook"


"Don't you think he's a little... old? for you to keep treating him like a child."

"But nAMJOON! He's still a baby in my eyes" Jin started tearing up.

"I- I don't want him to grow up" Jin sobbed on Namjoon's chest.

"I know I treat him like he's 5,, but he's still a cute, innocent, little baby to me" he sniffled.

Holy fuck, he acts so different.

"Baby, I know its hard to accept it, but jungkook isn't a child anymore. Tell you what. You don't have to stop treating him like a child just like that because I know you can't. Just gradually treat him like the adult he is."

Jin wiped his tears dramatically and nodded.

"Good, start off by letting him say bad words"


Namjoon put a finger on him mouth.

"Fine" Jin sighed.

Namjoon kissed his forehead.

"Let's go to sleep now"

"My baby grew up so fast" Jin whispered before he fell fast asleep.

Jin isn't bipolar I swear.

Also+++ sorry it's been almost a month without an update. I just haven't been feeling myself lately yk? Anyways I knew I couldn't procrastinate forever so here's a shitty update.

Didn't proof read,, whoops. Also @ Vic I forgot about the idea kms pls remind me.

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