Chapter 5

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It was Monday Nigh Raw and Superstars and Divas were dragging their luggage through tons of fans as they walked to the Arena in Florida.

They took pictures and signed little boys posters, shirts or hats. There were so many smiles going around and when Valentina and Dean stepped out of the truck, they were surrounded by screams as fans ran to them.

 There were so many smiles going around and when Valentina and Dean stepped out of the truck, they were surrounded by screams as fans ran to them

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Valentina smiled and kissed a little 9 year old cheek. He blushed and looked down. Val laughed and signed his shirt, the one that her fathers face in it. She messed his hair up and walked inside with Dean and the other as they walked to the locker rooms.

Dean and Valentina walked to the locker room and dumped their bags on the floor. Well valentina did and jumped on the couch as Dean laughed and did the same but he landed on top of her.

"Dean! Get off Fattass!" Valentina screamed and tried to wiggle free but Dean had managed to wrap his arms around her waist and rest his head on her chest.

Dean smiled and said in a teasing voice, "make me."

Valentina tried again but failed miserably. She finally gave up and Dean looked at her and smiled. He got up and pulled Val by her hand.

"Come on." Dean said and walked out of the locker room and to catering. He was still holding her hand. Everyone was shocked when they saw that they were holding hands.

Val didn't know if they were shocked because of that or that Dean actually likes someone. he was considered the lunatic or the unstable one on WWE who does not do relationships. But they are proven wrong.

They went into catering and saw mostly all the superstars eating. DEan went to get food and Valentina went to go find a table for the couple.

Sasha was talking to Becky Lynch, Bailey, Naomi and some of the face divas. She turned around and saw Valentina. "Val!" Sasha screamed and Valentina turned around and saw Sasha and walked to her.

"What are you doing?" Naomi said.

"Just inviting a friend over." Sasha replied.

Valentina walked over to the table and gave Sasha a hug.

"Girls this is Valentina. Valentina this is Naomi, Bailey, Becky,Natalya, and Alicia" Sasha said introducing the girls who were staring at Valentina.

"Hi and I know Natalya." Valentina said.

"Nice to see you again Val" Natalya said with a smile.

They continued to talk mostly about who will get a shot at Charlotte and that she is a  bitch and wants to be announced as the "Queen".

Dean was getting the food and saw that Val was sitting with the Divas. He smiled and walked quietly behind her. 

"What are you doing?" Dean whispered in her ear and she smiled.

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