Hiiiii!!! I have a lot of energy!! so was thinking I'll start writing agian! :) You guys are so awesome (: My reads grow by the dozens every day! I'm so glad you guys like my story (:
When Isaac finally got here Scott was the first out the room. By the time I got out the room Scott had Isaac up against the wall chocking him.
"If you ever do that again I will kill you." he tells Isaac letting him fall to the floor and he takes off down the hall. I look at Stiles.
"Go talk to him.." I whisper and he nods taking off down the hall after my brother. I turn to Kira.
"He doesn't do good it closed in spaces with people." I say.
"But you were talking about the Full moon." She says looking between Isaac and me.
"Yeah. You've never heard the saying 'the full moon has its effects on people.' " I ask her and she looks at me unsure.
"Your lying to me and I don't know why." she say darting to my room I follow after her.
"I'm not lying to you." I say when I get in my room. I want to tell her so bad but it's not my place to tell her.
"Well i find it hard to believe." She says I see the hurt in her faces as she says it grabbing her bag and coat she walks to the door.
"I'm going to get Isaac to drive me home." she says pushing passed me.
"fine. He is a werewolf." I say turning around facing her.
"are you kidding me?" she asks turning around. Her expression is all I need to see. She doesn't believe. I don't personally blame her.
"I am not kidding. Did you not see the pointy ears? anything in there?" I ask her walking toward her. Isaac is going to have to show her. She'll never believe I've he doesn't. She looks at me bewild. I look at Isaac for support.
"she's not lying. " Isaac says walking towards us and Kira looks at me. I have absolutely no choice, do I?
"Scott!" I scream grabbing Issac's shirt and Kira's arm pulling them forward and down the stairs.
"Yeah?" he says breathless. I instantly felt bad for him. i had absolutely no idea being a werewolf is so.. well horrible.
"You have to show her! You have no choice. She will never believe me." I shirk after being in that room I was starting to loose my demanding side. I gotta get that back.
"Bay." Stiles says looking at me with those brown eyes. God why does he have to be socute?!?!
"Dont Bay me, Stiles. I love you but im tired of hiding things. I hate hiding things from Kira. So Scott start talking!" I yell suddenly feeling guilty after i say it because of the look on Stiles' face. Stiles turns and walks away.
"please Scott." I beg him before running after Stiles. "Stiles!" I yell nearly hitting him when he suddenly stops.
"What?" He asks me looking me open and down. This boy doesn't know half of how much I love him. I swear he's so adorable.
"I'm sorry." I say I really meant it. he is my everything i really wish he knew that.
"yeah." he says turning to go again but I grab his arm and pull him into me.
"Stiles.. you do not know how much i love you. Heck I dont know how much I love you. I just know i do. Alot. Your my everything. Please don't be mad at me. " I say gripping his arm. I was determined to never let him go."Bay... I love you a lot too." he says kissing me. It sent butterflies flying around in my stomach. When he pulls away I smile at him.
"I need to go talk to Kira. I just hope she isn't freaked out." I say walking away I feel Stiles put his hand in the small of my back. I smile to myself as I see Kira looking my way. She smiles back and I realized she knew.
"Bay... I'm sorry i didn't believe you." she says hugging me. I hug back quickly.
"Your not freaked out?" I ask her stepping back next to Stiles.
"How could i be? Its kinda cool. Having a friend that can kick butt." she says and i laugh.
"yeah I guess that's cool!"i say though my laughs. "We have a sleepover to get to." I say kissing Stiles on the cheek and smiling at Isaac and Scott before pushing Kira inside.
"SLEEPOVER TIME!!!" I scream running upstairs Kira close behind.
I finally finished. Thank the lord. (: Not having a computer is hard on my writing! ): But anyway (: Hope you like! Thinks for reading!!!
Love, Kelsey <3

Another McCall
FanfictionBay McCall has went 17 years thinking that the women she lived with was her mother but she wasn't... Bay grew up knowing about her brother but her brother didn't know about her. So she moved to Beacon Hill to live with her real mother and her brothe...