Chapter 2: "Don't Touch Me!"

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Hey guys! I am so glad u guys like this book so far! So here's chapter 2!
Your Stuff:

Hey guys! I am so glad u guys like this book so far! So here's chapter 2! Enjoy!Your Stuff:

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Your P

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Your P. O .V:
After Chandler said that, I was stunned. I looked around in shock.
I saw people working, laughing, and talking. I then noticed a young girl walking up to us.
"Hey Dylan" Chandler said. "Sup Chan" the girl replied. Chandler then noticed my confused face. "Oh, right," he said, "Newbie, this is Dylan. Dylan, this is Newbie." He said. "Sup Newbie" Dylan said with a smile and stuck her her hand out for me to shake. "Why the hell does everyone keep calling me Newbie." I said in a frustrated tone. Dylan and Chandler looked at each other. Then back at me. "Well, Newbie," Chandler said with a smirk. "You haven't told us your name yet, so your going to be called Newbie. Dylan, can you show Newbie here around. They need my help" Chandler said. "No problem" Dylan said. With that Chandler began walking off. "What if you don't remember you're name!?" I yelled to him. He turned around and walked backwards and said, "Well, I guess your going to be called Newbie." He said with a smirk. After he said this he turned back around and kept walking to where ever he was going.
"Ahh! He's such a, such a," I screamed frustratedly.
"Asshole?" Dylan said.
"Yes!" I replied. She let out a laugh.
"Well, let me show you around." She said with a smile. With that she started walking off. I then run up to her and began walking with her.

•1 hour later•

I saw everything and everyone in this place. They seemed to be ok with living in a, 'dome'.
"So now let's show you we're your going to be sleeping. You most likely will be sleeping where all the girls sleep. Because you know, your a girl. It would be weird if you slept where the-"  I zoned Dylan out. I then noticed the big hole in the wall.
'How could I have missed that?"
I thought. My eye brows came together and my head tilted in confusion. I then began walking over to the door. "Y/n? Y/n! What are you doing!" Dylan said as she ran up to me. "Going to go check that out." I said pointing to the wall as I kept walking towards it. "No your not!" Dylan shrieked while stepping in front of me to stop me. I looked down at her. "I won't go threw it. I just want to go look at it. What's so bad about that?" I asked her while put my hand on my hip. "Everything! You and no one else is supposed to go threw that hole unless your a searcher." (A/n: You guys like the word I used instead of 'Runners' 😏)
"What the hell is a searcher?" I asked confusion.
"They search for things." She said
(A/n: Well no shit Sherlock🙄) nervously. I squinted my eyes at her. "Like what?" I asked while crossing my arms over my chest. She looked at me then at the ground then anywhere else but me. "That doesn't matter. What matters is that we're not aloud to go in it or near it." She said finally looking at me. "Well I'm not going in it, but you can't stop me from going and looking at it." I said stepping to the side of her and walking towards the hole.

When I got close enough to see it, I was amazed by it. I looked all around it and then I looked inside of it. It was dark. But the sunlight coming from the opened top made it visible. Right when I was going to get close to see it better;
I was picked up and thrown to the ground on my right side. I then lend up on my elbow. I then saw the person walking fast towards me. He then yanked me up by my arm. Then yelled in my face, "What the hell are you trying to do!" He had drown a crowd. I noticed Jack and Chandler. Chandler had a look in his eyes. Like he was about to kill the guy holding me. I then looked at the guy again. He had blue eyes, sandy blonde hair, and slightly tan skin. He then said, "Your not aloud to go threw the damn hole! How stupid are you!" "Hey!" The boy and I looked to see who it was. It was Chandler. "Why don't you let her go. And stop being a dumbass in front of everyone" he said. The boy then said, "Why do you care about a stupid little bitch like this one?" That was it. When he looked back at me, I brought my hand back and slapped him hard across the face. He let go of my arm and grabbed his cheek which had my hand print on it. "Don't Touch Me! And don't ever call a bitch." I said with gritted teeth. He looked at me with a death glare. Which I gladly returned. With that, he stormed off from the group of people. After he left, everyone looked at me. And then started cheering and whistling. I let out a small smile. Dylan then walked up to me and gave me a high five. "Well then," we looked up to see Chandler walking over to us. "That sure showed tough you are, Newbie." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Ok you to. Let's go get something to eat." Jack said. And with that we filled him to get something to eat.

•Hey guys•
It's been awhile since I last updated this book.
And I apologize for that.
I had test last week and the week before.
I did finish, 'You're In My Veins'!
You guys can go check it out if you like!
Sorry if this chapter sounds like crap.
It's like 12:00 a.m where I live so. Lol😂
I 💜💙💜💙 you all my lovely mockingjays!
And I hope you all have a lovely day/night!
And I hope to see you all in the future!
•Published: 1-3-17•
•Words: 1,094•
•Song: Control by: Halsey

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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